frost damage. now what


New Member
So im a stupid greedy fuck and put ky plants out this morning before work while a light frost was just starting to recede and sure enough now I'm back hone and droopy ass leaves galore. Only the fan leaves are droopy but others look ok. Nothing looks wet just droopy leaves. What shud i do? Harvest now? Let the days sun try and perk em up a bit? Is ky bud going to be ok? I feel so stupid for trying to get another week out of them. Live and learn i guess.


New Member
No one? Geeeeeze lol well I let them hang out in the sun til it went down, brought them in and harvested. The buds look and smell just like they should...are they going to be alright? Is there Nything I shud do or watch for while drying these buds?


New Member
Srry no pics but it doesnt seem like anything really happened to the buds. Not anymore moist than before, colour hasnt changed, and trichomes still look good and normal under 60x magnification. I guess just hang and hope for the best?


Well-Known Member
these are weeds folks....a lil' frost won't hurt them...I took my last plant yesterday...was below freezing for a week in the evenings...plants trooped thru it all no probs....hth



New Member
Ya been hangin for a day now and looks Fuckin bomb lol like I said only the fans were dead and droopy but the buds look and smell awesome. Seein the fans like that just freaked me out i guess