Frozen Plant


Active Member
Direct cold air on plant pot = wilting?

the intake fan (blows air in during 12 hours on at 65 degrees.) was pointed directly at the pot of one of the girls. 1 gal pot, week 1 into flowering. The rest of the girls are healthy top models, except the one that got her pot direct air cooled all night is seriously drooping like someone over watered her. (which i didnt) the color is good, she just droops.. Will she warm up, dry out and perk up? She was fed recently, and the pot was def moist when the cold air was hitting it.

Room temp is good
every other girl is good
nutes, water good.
lumens are good


Well-Known Member
divert the air steam so it is not directly upon her. its prolly the cold air

i think plants are more used to the colder temps at night not during lights on and it sounds like she is gettin creamed with cold air it would suck all the heat outa her like a wind chill.