Fruity pebbles


Well-Known Member
First impressions: very cereal like smell, that indulges your nose.
Smoke report: strong body high, with a slight trippy feeling, medium head high
Comments: one of my favorite strains, could smell it all day.


Well-Known Member
Was this purchased bud or did you grow it? If you grew it, was it a west coast clone or from seed? If seed which breeder? Cheers.


bud bootlegger
I agree the not ..
When doing a smoke report it's always best to try and include as much info as possible.. e.g., grown from seed or purchased bud, breeder, etc etc etc..


Well-Known Member
The bud was given from a friend on the east coast. I'm sure I can find out the genetics.


Well-Known Member
this one im going crazy trying to find, but it has to be in seed form if anybody has any info please let me know. thanks


Well-Known Member
Was created by alien genetics and came in reg. seed form. F2's were offered up for free at Bryant Gumbles house by a very generous member, considering they went for over $1000 a pack at auction.