

Okay so i have a pot with three plant in it...

the plant on the right is 4 nodes high

the middle plant is 8 nodes high

the right plant is 5 nodes high

is it to late to transplant them into different pots!!!!

Im trying to recover from a rookie mistake that i made!

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Well-Known Member
jus leve em be mon.......live and learn, but leave em be now, if anything just transpant them all 3 into a bigger pot, the roots are spaghetti noodled by now.


Well-Known Member
Lay out the plant and try to separate the plants with as much root mass as you can get for each. Use scissors when you need to so it doesnt pull on the roots to much. Expect them to be shocked for a week. Dont over water when you transplant just enough to keep the roots wet or you might end up with root rot / problems.


Well-Known Member
i would go with the first suggestion, put all into a bigger pot. if they happen to fall apart when you pull it out just seperate them and put them into seperate pots but i would just pull it out and put into a bigger pot.


Well-Known Member
train them so they all grow different way and put them in a bigger pot. not a mistake, just a learning curve.

past times

Well-Known Member
they are still in veg right? Do you know if they are females? I'd be willing to bet the largest one will end up stragnling out the others...and maybe end up male. I would transplant, starting with the smallest plant. you are definitely going to rip up some roots but that really sin't a big deal as long as the are in veg. Just gonna have to veg them longer. Also, might think about topping at least the tallest.