Fun Grow/Hindu Kush


Active Member
Ok. Doing an experimental grow. Small cabinet. Using a 200 watt light with a shield mounted on top. Corner cabinet. Left wall is 18". Back wall is 18". Right wall is 10" and the front opening is 20" across. The bottom is up high on legs so I cut a nice tight hole for a five gallon bucket so only gain of space no loss there. I have 37 1/2" to work with for heighth,plus 4" to 6" in the bucket. Where you see the light coming out of the side i have two 4 1/2" fans. The one up high is my intake and down low is out. I plan to run both always with the light on. But only the out during dark time. I got my card today and stopped on my way home to pick up my new baby girl. She is a one foot tall Hindu Kush. We have named her Pocahontas. I will be running 18 hour veg. She will get 24 hours the first night so I can change her schedule. Anyway,I couldn't stop movin until I started my journal. Gotta stop for tonight. All comments welcome.



Active Member
Ok. Forgot. She went into her new home at 8:15 Pm. PST. Also. Attached 4 layers of screen on the outside of the fans. For light,cooling and dust issues.


Active Member
Ran outta cash. Lol. Couldn't wait to get my baby. Like a little kid. I'll be enclosing it with some black sheets. Still gotta few things to get. Just outta cash. Stoked to be up and running though. Half assed as it is.


Well-Known Member
Light leaks are fine by the plants (ONLY IN VEG) but it might be annoying if the room is used by people as well.


Active Member
Yeah. True that.

Ok. Started her new light cycle last night. She sleeps from 12 am to 6 am. The soil I got is real hi in everything. Was told no need to do anything but add water for 4 weeks. She got a little yellowing on the tips. Pretty sure its the nutes shes not used to gettin that high. Have to watch and see if maybe a little mixing will be in order on the next run.


Well-Known Member
The rule of thumb during veg is when the plant is starting to go pale (either top growth or bottom growth) you need to start fertilizing.
Before than you really have no need to.
In veg the plant consumes mainly nitrogen and most likely it would be the first to run out.


Active Member
Ok. This morning she was a little wilty in a couple spots toward the top. After an afternoon of light she is looking better. I am not trippin on to much until she has had the oppertunity to acclimate to her new space. I am happy to say she has grown a little over an inch since she got here. So I figure some show of progress is good.


Active Member
Oh. Left out some some stuff. I had origanally planned and stated that I would be shutting down the intake fan during sleep hours. After struggling with heat and humidity during light time I changed my mind. I think it's gettin pretty cold in here at night. Gonna go back to original plan. Wondering if to much cold is contributing to wilting. After a few hours of light she perked up.


Well-Known Member
Hey Godfrey from what I've read, < 15 degree night/day difference in temperature (Fahrenheit) is optimal between their day/night cycles. Larger fluctuations in temperature can result in a lot of condensation, swinging RH changes, etc... that can cause problems for the plants directly or lend itself to cultivating harmful pathogens (molds/fungi) indirectly.


Well-Known Member
Hey buddy - was just checking in on your journal, how the plant is doing? And it just struck me, with the light on top like that - are you planning on leaving the plant at that height the whole way through?