fungus gnats. help ):


Well-Known Member
1st time grower here if you want to see my setup and how my girls are doing click the link below:
i had fungus gnats previously about 2 months of growing. had no idea how to get rid of them. look into home remedies nothing worked got rid of them with some neem oil. i applied it once and never saw an egg or a gnat ever again.....that is until today this morning there almost everywhere....anyone have any suggestions? i have clones and vegging plants is it ok to use a light neem oil solution to spray on the clones to make sure there not spreading eggs throughout my cropss!!! any help is well appreciated
2 inches of sand on the top of your soil will help to stop them. also you can do some neem drenches. mosquito dunks work.
You could use Neem everyday if you wanted, and in this case it might be wise to do so till they are dead gone. Mix neem in your watering can and give them a drink of that. Set a cpl shallow cups of sugary water (they love soda pop) in your grow, they will fly in and commit suicide. I found this out once when I left my soda glass in there over
2 inches of sand on the top of your soil will help to stop them. also you can do some neem drenches. mosquito dunks work.
yes im def gonna get the sand now never thought of that. great idea. now when you say neem oil drenches. should i water my plants a good ammount with this neem oil solution of just spray on foliage everyday?
one thing about the sand is after awile of watering and putting more sand on its gunna weight alot so u have more chance to overwater. but it sure does help to stop them.
You could use Neem everyday if you wanted, and in this case it might be wise to do so till they are dead gone. Mix neem in your watering can and give them a drink of that. Set a cpl shallow cups of sugary water (they love soda pop) in your grow, they will fly in and commit suicide. I found this out once when I left my soda glass in there over
how should i use it everyday? foliage spray? or to water it with the solution. can i mix my trio nutes and my neem oil with my phd water?
i hear coffee and sugar works good also lol
so i should just leave a cup there of like a sugar type liquid? soda or coffee? im gonna use the neem oil for use it worked like a charm the first use. should i apply it when they need to be watered or i can appply it asap? and how often and at what quantity should i use? sorry im a real noob when it comes to plants/marijuana horticulture
both wont hurt. You might gonna hate that sand in your pots, that would be a last resort imo
thanks for the tip i was on my way to the store to get the sand now. gonna give it a week or so after i drench the plants in neem oil....again can i spray the neem oil on the foliage of my clones. im scared the eggs are gonna reach my clones ):
yea a cup of soda or coffee would work overnight. and use it on there next watering. i beleive its somewhere around a few tsp of neem per gallon sumone correct me if its tbsp
someone let me know if the clone are gonna be ok. and is i can use neem oil on the clones.... gonna go get some distilled water and start this process....can i mix my nutes and the neem oil together in a solution?
Yes you can spray clones.. No,do not mix nutes wih neem. Be sure to always add a few drops of mild dish soap to the neem mixture, it will break it up
Don't forget your yellow sticky paper hung up everywhere around the plants. You definitely want to kill the larva in the soil though. Covering the clones "soil" with an inch or two of sand will keep them from laying eggs in it also.