Fungus gnats ..I have them .Please Help!!!


Well-Known Member
I found them . I have a yellow sticky trap in there. What is the safest and most efficient way of eliminating them and their larvae? Thanks
best way keep humidity low water less gnats like humid areas , buy some cinamin powder and sprinkle a shit load prior to watering
water then sprinkle a shit load of cinamin on top of soil ,

2 Add 1- 2" of sand on top of your soil
3 go and get some cedar mulch and place it on top of soil
4 - place bounce fabric softner you know the stuff you put in your dryer to make your cloths smell good ????? place the sheets on soil
there is a alo vera product in it that tends to rid gnats
Simple easy, pay attenion. First go get the yellow stickys and put them up all around the base of the plant, this traps the majority of the adults. Second and most important, go get a few potatoes from the store, peel them and cut little 2x4 inch pieces and place them on top of the soil at the base of the plant. The gnats can not resist them and will lay their larve on them. Change them out about three times a day durning light time and leave a set in over night. Even with an infestation in the hundreds they will all be dead in less than 48 hours. As you change out the potato pieces look at them under a scope you will vomit. lol

Never fails, works quick and no chemicals.
you can water with bt, mosquito dunks, azamax. also you can amend soil with neem, diatamaceous earth, crab meal. also spray azamax and lay down traps.
Ok my box smells like cinnomen and dryer sheets and looks like a playground. I didn't want to do the potatoes cuz they are so little and are just in cups so I figured they would dig the plants too.
Apple cider vinegar, tad of dishwashing soap in a cup. Attracts them, they fall in and get drowned due to the lack of surface tension. I grow indoors but seems to work.
I always keep a couple mosquito dunks floatin in my fresh water rez. They should all be dead in 2-3 weeks.