fungus gnats?


Well-Known Member
I have a serious infestation of fungus gnats in my flower room:cry: they are killing my plants what can i do about it Is gnatrol usable with plants within a week of harvest I also have some plants a few more weeks off. I want to put more of my plants into flower but must wait until i take care of this situation. I need help something hopefully quick my veg area is beyond maxed out and i need to get some more plants in there. I will buy something if need be but is there any way to get rid of these gnats with something i may have at home or can get at wally world? thanks in advance for any help


Well-Known Member
thank you i appreciate the quick answer that is where i got the idea to use gnatrol my question is do you know anywhere i can get this product aside from online the closest hydro shop is hours away. how about hydrogen peroxide would this work? could this harm my buds?


Well-Known Member
This is probably not the answer for you but, I had a small gnat problem a few grows ago due to cheap soiless mix that i should not have bought. I can't say if Cujo took care of the problem or if it was just the soil cause those pot only stayed for a week or 2 before they were done.

Lucky little bugger that Cujo is he gets the whole room to himself. I feed him crikets as well.


beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
you may find mosquito dunks (look like little doughnut things) at Home Depot, Feed stores or possibly at a nursery. Float one in 5 gals of water for 24 hours and then use 1/2 of the water from the bucket mixed with your irrigation water. Fill up the source bucket...water with the solution in the 5 gal bucket on EVERY watering for a month. This will kill the eggs/larvae.

For the flying monsters (flying around laying eggs in the soil befor they die) find some yellow sticky/whitefly traps to snare em.

After 3 weeks all the critters should be dead....but I've learned to keep a dunk goin in my water all the time...especially if it's hot or you just replanted.

good luck

bt dt


Well-Known Member
you can use alot of things but it will most likely "taint" the bud in some way or another. i would try a SHIT load of lady bugs. also crank up the co2 2000ppm if possible. dry ice if you dont have a co2 option. good luck.


Well-Known Member
I ended up using this stuff called garden safe insect spray says it is safe until day of harvest on fruits and veggies I only sprayed the soil and the gnats are on there way to being under control and the plants dont seem to mind



Active Member
I ended up using this stuff called garden safe insect spray says it is safe until day of harvest on fruits and veggies I only sprayed the soil and the gnats are on there way to being under control and the plants dont seem to mind
i used the same thing... the only thing is you have to keep up on the spraying.... i sprayed once and then they went away... but a week later they came back stronger... so follow the label...
