fungus gnats!!!


Active Member
I am having a problem with fungus gnats. I have tried sm-90, go gnats and gnatrol. I think the gnatrol dosing was too light. The darm instructions were pretty vage. I amgoing to try agian with a stronger dose. I used 1 tsp per 2 gal. my friend uses this concentration and has good results. Has anyone used this product?(gnatrol) what concentiation have you used? Thank you


Active Member
Thank You skinnyone, I never thought of useing zone. It makes sence. I tried a dutch master grow once and did not see the AMAZING results I think there web site boasts. Zone was a part of that regiment. Does any one think Zone is like hydrozime? I am not sure.


Well-Known Member
Zone is not like will pretty much kill all bacterias and keep your root zone healthy. Hygrozyme will eat dead dead protein. You have a problem with bugs so kill everything with zone get your roots healthy then go back to using hygrozyme or just stay with a regular dose of zone