Funky leafs and deformation with pics

This is starting to pop up on some leafs and is causing deformation. Plant is 3weeks into flower.

Soil - FFOF and Light Warrior. Fox farm Nutes
Ph - 6.5 -6.8
Temps 80-84 Co2 in use
Humidity 35 and 40%

Any idea what might be causing this?



Well-Known Member
Fuck, I used to know this. I'm thinking it's a calcium issue but I'm not sure. I'll get back to you.
Please do. I would greatly appreciate it. I have posted on the other sites also no luck. I just want to get this taken care of.


Active Member
shot in the dark add a little all purpose plant food every two weeks and will aliminate most defishentcies. it has the nitorgen,zinc,calcium and other nutes these expensive specialty nutes lack somtimes because their not needed with every feeding. also look at the sticky for plant problems has pics and suggestions


Well-Known Member
What you have is a Manganese deficency, It's a trace element. Unfortunatly I could not find out where you would get that, hopefully you have a hydro or flower shop where you can ask them. Best of luck man


Active Member
I think its a genetic flaw. The 3 fingered leaf was probably near the soil and was damaged from nute splash. The leaves otherwise look healthy. I dont see it being a deficiency if youre following the FF feeding schedule. Ive never had a mag def before and i use the entire FF lineup.
Distilled and RO water has been used. I read RO water has no Mag. So probably my problem. But then again not all leaves are like this. Most are dark green and very glossy. Found a bottle of Cal Mag plus. Start it right away? How much per gallon? Every feeding? or every other? Foliar feed?

Genetic Flaw has crossed my mind. The mother has the same issue but looks super healthy.

Thanks everyone for the input.