Funny, thing happened, WTF!?


Active Member
My plant is only 2 weeks old from sprout and it smells soo soo nice? compared to my others and its one of the smallest, whats going on?. I have 2 much bigger plants which are like 3 weeks older and none of them smell nothing like this one.

Here it is..

and heres the other than is much older and don't smell at all.

I ain't really spotted any white hairs, but i really does stink i asked a vairety of people and they all aggreed. The plant is small, i dont have a clue whats going on.


Well-Known Member
could be different strains, or since males usually grow taller faster the tall ones could be male, too early to tell for sure but it would make sense. then again, the male i have going with my 2 girls stinks more than they do, and looks like its covered in snow. so who knows