fybromyalgia and cannabis oil

i would like to start a thread about fybromyalgia and how to cure this bull shit medical condition. Im not saying that its a fake condition but it is bull shit living with a neurological disorders that cause a person to feel like someone it taking a baseball bat to them form the moment they wake up in the morning until they go to sleep at night. And thats lucky if they get to go to sleep at night.

this if for ppl who either have fybro or have family members living with fybro or know some one (like a friend) living with fybro.

i want to talk about cannabis oil but also other natural ways to treat this condition.

this if from the mayoclinic basicaly telling the bull shit stance of the f.d.a. on the condition.

the funny this is that my government told me i shouldn't use cannabis because it leads to harder drugs like coke and herion. then i get a neurological disorder that has no cure and am told i should use cymbalta or the other pills the dr's tried to give me . but wait the active ingreadent in all the fybro pills is a chemical called hci with is found naturaly in coke. its the chemical that is burnt off when cooking crack or free base.

it doesn't add up. 1 + 1 = 5 is what im being told by my government.

i was at the point in my life were i was going to kill myself because of my fybro. i got it from a car accedent in 2006 and didn't sleep for at least a year. i had to take these pills that made me feel like i was drinking hard liquor all day long. way higher then cannabis could ever get me. every muscle in my back would spasm and it would feel like some one was taking a baseball bat to my back and joints.

then one night some time the end of 2009 while contenplating suicide i saw a documentary http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0psJhQHk_GI called run from the cure that saved my life. i ate 1 mil gram pill of oil before each meal and one before i went to sleep and wow. all i can say is yahweh's love is amazing and there isn't a thing more power full then his love. I don't need to get manipulations by my back specialest any more. thats something i was supose to need every month for the rest of my life. i haven't used a drug for over 3 years.

now i just vape some meds i get from cali at the start of the day and it takes away all of the symptons from fybro with out getting me shit faced high like the coke pills my dr's says don't get you high.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgEP9FdIzT8 its about the power of juicing raw cannabis

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jmg9uzI48cE its rick simpsons talking at a medical college in europe about all the medical conditions he cured with hemp oil

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hy66MUZP538 what if cannabis cures cancer? it was made by the doctors our fedral government spent millions to research cannabis . looks like unchle sam doesn't live in reality

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JM72D3X55Ms another doc made by the same dr's from our gov

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Md2WNqqxTQ medical cannabis and its impact on human health. yet another doc by the same dr's this time talking about all the diffrent conditions cannabis treats or cures.

or and if you listin to all the dr's . they never stuidied natural cannabis oil

http://www.youtube.com/verify_age?next_url=/watch?v=2LCkaMnuGMc this is from season one of drugs inc on nat geo. all you got to do is watch the first 10 mins and they talk about medical cannabis . they talk about a.i.d.s and cancer but the first thing they talk about is cannabis and fybro and they break it down sciencetificaly how it works.

i would love to hear about any new doc's about cannais healing or fybro and to hear from other ppl living with this fucked up condition.

p.s. im smoikng on some sour head band from no. cali we should rep what strains were blown on on this thread too
Thx for the great info and glad to see you are a believer! Works wonders on many of the things I fight daily that's for sure, and helps put me in a better frame of mind when I'm to the point even my hair hurt. I know my med's are far more effective for many of my conditions than all the pharm's they shove down my throat every chance they get. Keep spreading the word. I do every chance I get.
