

Well-Known Member
Mrs. Rare Dankness was banned on accident, or during a multiple spammer deletion, unknowingly. She will be unbanned. :)
Mrs. Rare Dankness was banned on accident, or during a multiple spammer deletion, unknowingly. She will be unbanned. :)

WoW, by popular demand :clap: or "We gotta take the power back y'all" :o???

In any circumstance this was a wise choice. MRS. RD. was always fair and always kept it relevant!

Yippie Ki-Yay motherfucker!
I knew that shit was to crazy to be legit and there was definitely too much shit started before anyone got a answer.
They can't answer PM's for two days. we get a global mod in here. Now this is the answer??? Lame to say the least. Bull shit is more like it.
That is bullshit. After she was banned the forum was full of those soccer match advertisements. Delete a member that had hundreds of helpful posts over the last year, but then let one guy post 50 spam posts in 2 days?
Well hold up now, I've stuck up for you all in this and I am going to stick up for Rolli too.. On top of his full time job he logs in here and if faced with nothing but reported posts. This site has been inundated BIG TIME lately with spam. He doesn't even read shit he just deletes shit and bans the spammer.

He said he isn't sure how She was banned and that he would've noticed she had a bunch of posts and wouldn't have banned her. That is why he immediately un-banned her. I believe this is true because we are full of spam every day. There is only a couple people that can delete and ban all the spammers and I'm sure it gets very monotonous.

We should've waited for an explanation from him before getting all riled up and crazy. It's all good though, Mrs D knows that people are looking out for her, and RIU knows that you guys mean business lol.

She's unbanned, lets give it a chance ey?
Well hold up now, I've stuck up for you all in this and I am going to stick up for Rolli too.. On top of his full time job he logs in here and if faced with nothing but reported posts. This site has been inundated BIG TIME lately with spam. He doesn't even read shit he just deletes shit and bans the spammer.

He said he isn't sure how She was banned and that he would've noticed she had a bunch of posts and wouldn't have banned her. That is why he immediately un-banned her. I believe this is true because we are full of spam every day. There is only a couple people that can delete and ban all the spammers and I'm sure it gets very monotonous.

We should've waited for an explanation from him before getting all riled up and crazy. It's all good though, Mrs D knows that people are looking out for her, and RIU knows that you guys mean business lol.

She's unbanned, lets give it a chance ey?

Wha' 'e said. cn
Bullshit. I pm'd Admin, Potroast, and the chiceh dude. They weren't all busy, and chiceh said they knew full well what they were doing. That's a bunch of bullshit.
They are right to unban her, but please don't anyone think I believe that bullshit. I waited two days for an answer.
Bullshit. I pm'd Admin, Potroast, and the chiceh dude. They weren't all busy, and chiceh said they knew full well what they were doing. That's a bunch of bullshit.
They are right to unban her, but please don't anyone think I believe that bullshit. I waited two days for an answer.

These are not normal times, Gladstoned. the spammer load has been off the gauge, and admin has been hopping like fleas on hot sheet metal. I recommend patience ... in fact, i ask: please be patient. cn
The noise and time needed to rectify this situation shines poorly upon RIU, but in the end the right thing was done.

As a long time gamer and admin I have personally been on both sides of the fence here, so I may be more sympathetic than most ...
BULLSHIT. Plain cover your ass bullshit. Stump I applaud your loyalty,but.

Does anyone think if we had just set around and waited we would see the same outcome? Fuck no.

Fuckin bullshit