G13 Haze average yield.. please help


I have 2 sativas G13-Haze, been vegging hydro on 250W CFL for 3 months. NPK 3-2-3

I just installed a 250W HPS dual spectrum and I raised the light from 18h/d to 21h/day. I have been waiting for a complete course fertilizer for all those three months but it got held up with the customs and i got fucked but they will get here so I'm vegging till then

but lets say i wanna take those babes to flowering
what would be the yield on each one of those sativas?

I also have a UK skunk and white shark but im keeping those as mother plants

I have also attached picture from before so you can understand the lack of MG and sulfur due to only 3-2-3 NPK
thank you



Well-Known Member
To many variables in the mix, but most depend on a good well studied grower, naturally a bad grower will blame his tools, or lack thereof

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
450 gram per m2...but your growing indoor under a weak light so I would say in total you will yield 125 grams under 250 watts. ..if your a pro that has that strain dialed in then you can get a gram per watt.


Well-Known Member
250w cfl not gonna cut it. Also, you are not using the correct spectrum balance

Look at pic 5, only the plant in the front right corner has leafs trying to reach up. They should all be reaching above horizontal towards the lights


Active Member
If you can train them, bend them over and make the canopy even, the lower buds will get bigger that way. If one is farther from the light you might not get much from it at all.