Gaia Green


Has anyone used Gaia green with autos? I’m looking for suggestions on how to use and if any tips.
I mixed worm casting,General Purposel,and power bloom with HP Promix


Well-Known Member
Autos need not be overfertilized unlike the photos that can take it

...I'd hold off for now apply later but the NPK of 4-4-4 will do fuk all

but add to the overburdened bottomline

good luck


Well-Known Member
Used it at the application rates on the Gia green packaging and my autos turned out better than not using it. Same strain, same soil.


Well-Known Member
Fed autos using Lucas formula with Jungle Juice. Full strength. White Hulk auto. Obviously not finished. Might be wrinkled but I still wear XXL gloves.


Tasty thing too but it had to be moved indoors to finish. Strawberry!!! Yum. Gassin Farms, Bay Area. Breeder.


Well-Known Member
mix the all purpose amd bloom 40/60
then go down to 20/80 in 3-3.5 weeks
castings on top
can add glacial rock dust and a wee bit of bat guano.
and ill top dress some bokashi pro grow after a week or 2
thats my mix


Well-Known Member
btw. on my mature plants in the ground outdoors i use 3.5 cups every 3 weeks plus bokashi plus guano. never burned. plants loved it reached for the sun everyday.20201014_171350.jpg20201014_171422.jpg