Galaxy grow tents review


Well-Known Member
If you're in the market for a new grow tent, consider the Galaxy line. I only know of them because of an ordering mistake. When I was ordering a 4x4 tent, (with the help of Sailor Jerry and/or Captain Morgan), I somehow ended up with both Gorilla and Galaxy tents being delivered. After looking them both over the Gorilla was returned unused. Everybody knows the Gorilla name because they're heavily marketed.

Both tents are built with the same 1680D fabric and build quality is excellent on both tents. I like the reflective material of the Galaxy better. The Galaxy poles are thicker and use the same style of spring pin connections with all steel corner pieces. Galaxy also comes with three movable roof bars and two side bars that secure solidly in place using chromed clam-shell clamps. The floor pan on the Galaxy is superior to the Gorilla's.They both use double cinch corded penetrations, zipper flaps, etc. In short, they are almost identical but the Galaxy is considerably less expensive but doesn't have the ability to extend the height from 6.5' to 7.5'. I now also have a Galaxy 4x8 and it too is top of the line material and build quality.

Just a shout out for a great product at a reasonable price.
I was about to get a 4x4 Gorilla tents, but ended up buying one of these, following your advice and after reading your threads in 420mag (the fact that the price was almost half helped as well!). I hope my experience with them will be as good as yours.

Could you tell me where did you get these wire racks? They seem like a perfect fit.
