Galaxy hydro /roleadro


Hi all ,has any one had or know of the results of growing with the G hydro/ roleadro 800 w led
Cheers photon
Roleadro I've seen a few people posting they were decent and some posting they were crap. I dont think they are efficient at all. If you're in the market for a light and have some decent mechanical and basic electric knowledge. DIY with QBs, strips, or cobs. Is the way to go for sure. And most times cheaper than plug n play lights.
Yeah ive seen some nice diy rigs on e bay guys have set up, my electronic skills are basic bassic basicbut im quite resoursefull,and will get there,any cobs u could recomend and prices
Roleadro I've seen a few people posting they were decent and some posting they were crap. I dont think they are efficient at all. If you're in the market for a light and have some decent mechanical and basic electric knowledge. DIY with QBs, strips, or cobs. Is the way to go for sure. And most times cheaper than plug n play lights.

By the way im workin 4x4 5/6 pots
I went with Samsung f series strips. They seem to about the best in my opinion. They flower the fuck outta my tent. 6 zips per 2gal soft sided pot in a cookies cross strain. Here a link for all part numbers and websites with the parts.
Jus scroll down to 4x4 DIY builds. And select either 2foot strips or 4 foot strips. 2 footers are cheaper. But you need twice the amount of strips. Same as with double row leds or single row.
Welcome, Photon6
For a 4x4 you'll need at least 800w(actual) of HID or older diodes like the panels you listed. With more efficient diodes, 500w will do a great job. has a ton of info to help guide your decision.
Welcome, Photon6
For a 4x4 you'll need at least 800w(actual) of HID or older diodes like the panels you listed. With more efficient diodes, 500w will do a great job. has a ton of info to help guide your decision.

480 is 30w/sq which would be enough. But 500 would flower a tad better. Honestly an HLG-480H-cc pushes more than 480 watts. Meanwell is underrated. Depending on which strips you use. The one 480h driver would probably flower a 4x4. But if you split it on two drivers. Gives you upgrade options later on down the road.