GalaxyHydro 300 + 400w HPS in tent?


hello all,

I'll start by saying this is my first time visiting the LED section. When I was growing a few years ago there was not a lot of budget options for LED grows so I stayed away from them. But now that I am setting up to grow again I am considering one as an addition,

I'm purchasing a 4x4 grow tent that I planned to buy a 600w HPS for, But now I am curious about LEDs.

I don't think it's in my budget to fully set up the tent in LEDs but I do have a 400W HPS already, So I am wondering if purchasing something like the Galaxy Hydro 300 and running both in the tent would be sufficient? Is this a good brand?

My budget is less than $200,

Also, would this light suffice for a 2x3 veg tent? I would love to save $ on venting


Well-Known Member
No, the galaxy hydro lights are snake oil. Stay away, they put out just as much heat as an equivalent wattage HPS and they're often less efficient. Avoid everything but high end diodes or decent COBs if you're going LED. I would recommend with your budget you simply get the 600 watt HPS for your space, or get another 400 and use that alongside what you've already got. A good full LED setup for a 4x4 should run you anywhere from $500-1000, which you don't have the cash for, right?