games when you're stoned


Active Member
No, not videogames.
I'm talking about good ol' fashioned GAMES, with the exception that you're high as fuck when you do them. So please everyone, Share your best Games for the stoned!

A good one I know is called "Gates of Hell"
You have to be two people. One of you has to be lying on the floor. You then take either of that persons leg and lift it up as far as the person can streach...and then you press the leg even higher up so that the person is really streching, hold this for like 1,5 min.

When you're done streching enough with the persons leg, you tell him to close his eyes, you then realese him from the streching and lifts his leg VERY slow down to the floor and tells him that he has to say stop when he thinks his foot has touched the floor.

If you have done the streching right (and that your friend is pretty stoned). The person will say stop when his foot is aprox 15 cm above the floor. You then say to him in a deep and serious voice (or whatever). "OKAY! NOW I SHALL OPEN THE GATES OF HELL!" and you then slowly lift his foot down the last part down until he really hits the floor. Creating an awesome/creepy sensation that ones foot is really going down under the ground.


Well-Known Member
Too much for me to remember. When I am medicated my attention span is extremely short. I like to listen to the police scanner. Takes no real acitivity on my part but can be funny as hell.

Last week the cops arrested a guy running down the road dressed only in a duck tape jock strap. Now that kept me entertained for a good 15 minutes. Especially when he tried to out run them. Guess the tape tugged a little too much. The tape was pulling on his pubs.


Well-Known Member
Too much for me to remember. When I am medicated my attention span is extremely short. I like to listen to the police scanner. Takes no real acitivity on my part but can be funny as hell.

Last week the cops arrested a guy running down the road dressed only in a duck tape jock strap. Now that kept me entertained for a good 15 minutes. Especially when he tried to out run them. Guess the tape tugged a little too much. The tape was pulling on his pubs.
that's some funny fucking shit


Well-Known Member
Last week the cops arrested a guy running down the road dressed only in a duck tape jock strap. Now that kept me entertained for a good 15 minutes. Especially when he tried to out run them. Guess the tape tugged a little too much. The tape was pulling on his pubs.

ROFL. thats great.


Well-Known Member
I forget things most of my time is occupied by thinking...then forgetting....then trying to remember what I was thinking about, and how I started thinking about it in the 1st place.


Well-Known Member
I'm the same way. Thinking about something and then forgetting it and spending the next half hour trying to remember what I forgot.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor the tail on the donkey
2.stick the wood in the poon
3.door bell ditch
4.prune eating contests
6. bowling with Al Gore



Well-Known Member
Does anyone remember the game PassOut? It was big back in the 80s. Instead of taking shots we took bong hits. Hehehehe


Active Member
No, not videogames.
I'm talking about good ol' fashioned GAMES, with the exception that you're high as fuck when you do them. So please everyone, Share your best Games for the stoned!

A good one I know is called "Gates of Hell"
You have to be two people. One of you has to be lying on the floor. You then take either of that persons leg and lift it up as far as the person can When you're done streching enough with the persons leg, you tell him to close his eyes, you then realese him from the streching and lifts his leg VERY slow down to the floor and tells him that he has to say stop when he thstreach...and then you press the leg even higher up so that the person is really streching, hold this for like 1,5 min.

inks his foot has touched the floor.

If you have done the streching right (and that your friend is pretty stoned). The person will say stop when his foot is aprox 15 cm above the floor. You then say to him in a deep and serious voice (or whatever). "OKAY! NOW I SHALL OPEN THE GATES OF HELL!" and you then slowly lift his foot down the last part down until he really hits the floor. Creating an awesome/creepy sensation that ones foot is really going down under the ground.
dude its like 2 am im reading this blazed and i got kreeped out just by reading the part where you shouted about them gates. Funny shit

Nelson Mutz

Well-Known Member
In college days, played a game called "Paddle Pool" [I don't think they make it anymore]. It consists of a box with four sloped areas, that sits on a table top, and has peak in the middle. You sit behind one of the sloped areas, and have a "goal" with a paddle in front of it. You drop in a ping pong ball, and try to hit the ball in your opponets goals [or score]. First person to be scored on 5 times, challenger, please. Since it takes 4 players, best to have about 10 or so people around. As I recall, it was pretty cheap entertainment...


Well-Known Member
I forgot what i was gonna type now..... But anyways you stoners are hilarious. "Just keep on token & posten" if you can remember. :peace: