

Well-Known Member
So, I was thinking about growing some garlic. Hell, the only reason I have ever thrown out garlic was because it started growing on its own. I was thinking about doing it in doors with the rest of my plants. How much room do they need?


Well-Known Member
I have been trying to grow it for the last month. I have about3 going. One indoor under floro, one in flower room with weed, and one outside.

They all seem to grow nice green stem/leafs very fast and root really well and fast as well. But after 2-4 weeks they die off. I think it needs to be cooler temps. I think I will try in winter and see how it goes. So far I do have 3 still alive, but they like water and no fert what so ever or they die fast.


Active Member
Mine always ends up growing too. Maybe Ill just stick it in the ground next time it happens

Ill let you know :)


Active Member

Garlic planted in I think august of 07 and this picture was taken around the 4th of July. grow garlic near roses and tomatoes to keep the aphid pop. down.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Many years ago, there was this one Ladies yard that I mowed. Late in the day in the Summer, when the shade gave relief of the hot day. This lady had wild onion & wild garlic growing in her San Augustine grass.
After I had mowed, the air became full & intense with the smells of fresh cut grass, garlic & onion. It was incredible! One day, I'll intentionally do the same.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
For outdoor gathering or for just sitting outside without being attacked by 'skeeter's, garlic spray, either bought or homemade, will keep them away. Just spray an hour or so ahead of outdoor time, and everybody will be fine. Now, the Master Gardeners are saying that dried, crushed garlic spread out throughout the yard will keep the skeeter's away, also. Plus repel bee's, evil-eye, all kinds of stuff. However, reports made states that it attracts Italians, so use accordingly.


Active Member
I grow it myself, I have over 250 cloves in the ground now.

But some GOOD garlic from a good store and separate the cloves, and plant pointed end up.

I plant mine in the fall around October and let it sit all winter, next spring look for the scapes ( they look like a long sender stem with a a seed pod on the end, they will normally curl) to form, remove and the garlic will soon start to dry out. When about 2/3 of the tops have turned, then it is time to pull a few and see if they are ready. Hang them to dry for a few weeks and remove the outer layers to remove the dirt.


New Member
Yes I agree, growing garlic does repel aphids. Also plant chives near your roses to deter blackspot. Plant Borage in your garden to promote general soil health (plus it has badass true blue star shaped flowers on it)

Garlic planted in I think august of 07 and this picture was taken around the 4th of July. grow garlic near roses and tomatoes to keep the aphid pop. down.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Cooking wise, when cut, air increases the potency of the taste. It's very mellow when not cut. Rubbing down the pan with garlic adds the overall taste. Recently learned, sweated properly, the pod will spread like butter on bread. Oh Yeah !!