Gas mask


Active Member
I got a gas mask last week and ive used it a few times. it gets you ripped but it makes your face and hair reek forever. every once in awhile i also get one of those massive choke hits and cough my lungs out only to inhale another massive hit and repeat the cycle lol. what are your opinions on gas masks?


Well-Known Member
Ok so When I was inthe Marnies I was in charge of taking care of aviation life support systems ie..parachutes,radios,nvgs,survival gear and gas masks. The ones we used looked like this but with an adapter for the 40mm canister. well we were phasing them out, all brand new never used so i took one home and started to modify but never finished. It has a battery operate blower than i made so that when you seal the mask and turn it on it automaticly fills with smoke. the only proble is it blows straitgh into your eye every time. working on a mouth piece I cant wiat till its perfected. Looks like this



Well-Known Member
I've got a buddy who works at a local head shop and he's always bringing different 'toys' over for us to play with. A while back he brought a gas mask over and absolutely everybody that was brave enough to try it ended up coughing their lungs up.


Staff member
i've got one thing is nifty the stink does go away, i dont live with my parents i live alone so i findi dont care too much about the smell


ive used a gas mask once, it was for 420 in 2009. i was fukin dumb as hell after words, had trippy vision, couldent talk to well., and if u werent hittin the gas mask their was a 3 blunt pass goin on. but yea i stunk afterwords, im 18 and my mom has kicked me out before cus i come home sometimes smellin like MJ. our solution?? we made a giant 4 ft long by 1/2 ft wide pipe outa PVC. But a bowl piece on top & now we use it for roaches about 3X a week. we always have like 6 or 7 roaches whenever we go nd we just get dumb as hell. the things so massive it takes 2 people to use, one person holds the open end to their chest and lights it, nd the victim just in hales from the other end. it looks like some sort of ritual whenever we bring mad people over and one person just runs around given out hits lol

Brick Squad

Active Member
We recently got a gas mask me and some friends all chipped in for one
personally i am not the biggest fan of it. Its kind of cool and you get fuckin
HIGH lol but its not as relaxing as smoking a blunt just cant beat it haha.

oh and once word got around that we had that thing ppl we havent seen in like a year
were showing up giving out free weed to hit it hahhahaha.