Gell or Powder????


I use whatever cloning gel I have on hand, in Rapid Rooters (or the Sun Leaves Plugs) soaked in water with Earth Juice Root-Stock.

These aren't peat plugs, they are made from composted tree bark and they are awesome.


Well-Known Member
I just used clonex on 3 clones and this powder i bought at home depot for 3 to compare for my self. I ran a set of 4 clones all powder the first time around and they all rooted in 8-10 days. This time around, my 5 dollar rooting powder from home depot rooted all three that i put it on. The 44 dollar clomex gel i tried for the first time rooted 2 (rotted the stem on one of those and it barely made it) and the other didnt make it because the stem completely rotted away. Im sticking with my 5 dollar rooting powder from home depot for this reason. Maybe ill give the clonex away or somethimg before it goes someone else out.


Well-Known Member
I use gel but I havent used it in last 2 cutting sessions and have had 100% success. Roots in about a week, same as with the gel.

Starting to think those gels & powders are just another "must have" magic elixer that wasnt needed in the first place.