Gender Identification

Is this a male or a female? I did comparisons online, searching around Google images. I think it's a female but I might be lying to myself. Anyone care to ID its gender?

Thanks in advance.


EDIT: It's roughly at about 6.6 inches. Fully sprouted and ready to receive light on the 7th of April 2013. It was slow because of problems (heat stress + time release nuts + rock hard soil).

EDIT(2): Strain, Northern Lights. Today I will be switching to 12/12.


Well-Known Member
Can't really say for sure.

Its a little too early.

Here is a pic of my room.

The seeds germinated on the 8th April.

The 4 small clones were taken from 2 of the plants during that time and allowed to root.

What have you been doing for 7weeks. Lol.

A lot of problems came up, soil hardened. Nutrient burn (time release pellets). Heat stress from HPS 400w (too close).

Fixed it all so the recovery period was a bit longer than expected. I have another 4 northern lights coming along very nicely but I wouldn't expect much yield from this current plant.

No, it's just regular Northern lights.

I can't see any hairs, just spicules. I don't see any balls either. The growth just looks like a flower bud.
Used Jewel Scope


Appears to be sitting on/in-between the node/stem/something.
No hairs yet.
Has a chocolate 'crunchy' smell to it. You know the feeling at the back of your head when you munch on some chips? Add that + a hint of chocolate.
Does not have a 'ball on stick'.

I think its a male lol.
Wonderful. First grow and I get a boy.