General Florapro Dry Nutes


Well-Known Member
So i noticed that general is now offering 25lb bags of a 2 part dry nute. Currently running their 3 part but considering changing based on the cost. Has anyone used this yet or know anyone that is using it yet? Cheers
Megacrop 2 part .. their 5-12-26 is $43 / 25lb bag. Indoorgrowingcanada sells 25lb of $100 of jacks 5-12-26. Florapro same thing?
So i noticed that general is now offering 25lb bags of a 2 part dry nute. Currently running their 3 part but considering changing based on the cost. Has anyone used this yet or know anyone that is using it yet? Cheers

My wholesalers wont carry as GH doesn't want people to break them down into smaller portions, they want to throw the whole bag into a stock tank, also one wholesaler said they decided not to as there was some fishy pricing going on vs what GH's own distributor was selling directly to growers. That's Hawthorne for you, hence why I don't promote GH unless I have to.
My wholesalers wont carry as GH doesn't want people to break them down into smaller portions, they want to throw the whole bag into a stock tank, also one wholesaler said they decided not to as there was some fishy pricing going on vs what GH's own distributor was selling directly to growers. That's Hawthorne for you, hence why I don't promote GH unless I have to.
Ya it seems they are gearing it towards large commercial ops. Tried to find some mixture rates but the only ones they offer is pounds per 100 gal stock tank at 100-1 doser ratio. So they say 83 pounds grow per 100 gal tank, my calculations would turn that into 3.7 grams per gallon in a regular reservoir? Does that sound right?