general help for a new guy please


Active Member
hi guys what would you say is up? i recieved some clones and just got cabinet setup but they look abit sad :(
there under a 400w MH

to hot? it was 30 deg c but got it down to 25-26 deg c now

not enough water? have watered them but not much, its a rockwool mix ph.6.5 water with a bit of grow solution(weak mix)

or stress from just being moved from a little pot to an autopot system, (although not running yet as the roots wont be near the bottom of the pots)

thanks for any help



Active Member
ok when should i use the 400w metal halide then? is a humidity tent essential as lots of people grow without them or am i wrong?


Well-Known Member
root the clones under a flo in a tent misting plants once or twice a day
not so much that it get the dome wet
once clones have rooted and have new growth than put them under 400
do you have a rooting hormon


Well-Known Member
i would suggest using a plastic cup over top of the plant that small- as they look a little limp(that is they are losing water faster than they can take it in)

I used an MH light for my clones and they turned out ok.


Active Member
hi, these clones have rooted already, they where in a 2" rockwool cube and the roots are out the bottom, hence the transplant to the grow cabinet, and bigger pots,


Active Member
they have already rooted, i got them at about 2 weeks old, they were in 2" cubes and roots were outthe bottom, hence the transplant into the grow cabinet and bigger pots, they just dont seem to be growing yet and look abit limp, maybe its just me, its has only been 3 nights since they got moved,


Well-Known Member
mh is not to hot for seedlings long as proper distance from the lamp and ventilation is keytoo the hps is just wrong from seedlings


Well-Known Member
flo lights are BEST for seedlings and starting clones
yes you can use HID

your clones are just stressed with the move
lay off on the fert and keep the light high
they should come around
maybe mist them a bit
hows your air and water temps
i am soil gardener, but basics are the same are they looking any better???


Well-Known Member
ya man seriously if they are clones and looking limp mist them and put a clear cup over them so that the light comes in but the moisture doesn't evaporate too fast- they go limp when they aren't getting/keeping enough water. you may have to spray them 4-5 times a day at this stage. if you use a MH light jsut make sure it is a least 18 inches away...


Well-Known Member
i dont know if you should put a cup over it under MH
i would think it would get too hot
but i have never do it before


Well-Known Member
to be on the safe side put a hydo dome over them if the lamp is hight enough you should be fine just put your hands under it between the ligh and the seedling and see if your hand gets hot


Active Member
hi guys there all looking better now with new growth it was stress and over waterering, coldnt get the humidity over 50 but they pulled through got 1 that looks dormant though so my loose that one if it doesnt pick up in a week or 2
thanks for all the help


Well-Known Member
hi guys there all looking better now with new growth it was stress and over waterering, coldnt get the humidity over 50 but they pulled through got 1 that looks dormant though so my loose that one if it doesnt pick up in a week or 2
thanks for all the help
good to here dude thanks for the update ...
happy growing