General Questions


High all, first post and first-timer here.

Encountered many problems as is customary for first timers, the worst of which was vegging for far too long and producing ~140cm plants in a 2m tall growspace. Erk. The most pressing issue presently is the fabled mites, which are being subdued somewhat by spraying a commercial pyrethrum solution.

My question to those who've used the product before is how much spraying is too frequent? How often can one spray without damaging the plants?

Secondly, a question for future reference- say I have an area which would be covered by 2x 600w HPS with a light distance of 40cm (as per Dr. Cervantes' chart), is it of beneficence to add a third? More light, more production? Or does ones growspace limit the production wattage to a specific useful amount?
In light of these gangly (:wall:) babes I'm considering the following next time-

- Veg to 25cm, top em down to 16-20cm
- Veg up to 30cm, supercrop at the node above the middle node
- 12/12 once stems have started repairing (3-5 days)

What do you think?

Looking forward to acquiring a cam, starting a fresh diary in a few weeks.

Also, if anyone fancies sharing some of their favourite threads, that'd be great.

Thanks in advance, and good to be here!:leaf:

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
Some say you can just keep adding light with advantage, but obviously there is a point of diminishing returns. Try it with 2 first.