Genetic Hunt: Higher THC, moderate CBD?


I'm looking for some new genetics to round out the collection. I have noticed most strains seem to either be high in THC with <1% CBD, higher in CBD with low THC, or around a 1:1 ratio. I'm looking for an uplifting, energizing strain that gives a clear-headed high and helps with anxiety. I haven't tried a 1:1 strain before and while I am not looking for a super intense high I am worried a 1:1 will not have enough THC to CBD to offer much of a high; especially being used to higher THC strains. Could anyone please share their experiences with 1:1 strains or perhaps recommend some strains that are something like 1:3-1:2 CBD: THC?
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Look into Pennywise, Deadlights, Dance Hall, and Dance World.
All are high CBD but still uplifting in effect.
Do you know of any lab tests of deadlights, i'm looking to run a pack. Haven't seen dance hall or dance world in years, who has those genetics?