geneticlly modified ............are you fucking serious


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CASHMERE, Wash. — A Canadian biotechnology company has asked the U.S. to approve a genetically modified apple that won't brown soon after its sliced, saying the improvement could boost sales of apples for snacks, salads and other uses.
U.S. apple growers say it's too soon to know whether they'd be interested in the apple: They need to resolve questions about the apple's quality, the cost of planting and, most importantly, whether people would buy it.
"Genetically modified — that's a bad word in our industry," said Todd Fryhover, president of the apple commission in Washington state, which produces more than half the U.S. crop.
But Neal Carter, president of the company that developed the apples, said the technology would lower the cost of producing fresh slices, which have become a popular addition to children's lunch boxes, and make apples more popular in salads and other quick meals.
Carter's company, Okanagan Specialty Fruits of Summerland, British Columbia, licensed the non-browning technology from Australian researchers who pioneered it in potatoes. Essentially, the genes responsible for producing the enzyme that induces browning have been silenced in the apple variety being marketed as "Arctic."
"They look like apple trees and grow like apple trees and produce apples that look like all other apples and when you cut them, they don't turn brown," Carter said. "The benefit is something that can be identified just about by everybody."
The U.S. Department of Agriculture's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service has considered about 100 petitions for genetically engineered or modified crops. Those that have drawn the most attention have been engineered to withstand certain weed killers, but among those the agency has approved are tomatoes altered to ripen more slowly — the first genetically modified crop approved in the U.S. in 1992 — and plums that resist a specific virus. This is the first petition for apples.
The USDA's biotechnology regulations are designed to ensure that genetically modified crops are just as safe for agriculture and the environment as traditionally bred crop varieties, spokesman R. Andre Bell said in a statement. The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service works with the Environmental Protection Agency and the Food and Drug Administration, depending on the product, to ensure safety.
The approval process can take years, and it's not clear the apples will be accepted even if they pass government inspection.
Fryhover raised concerns about cross-pollination of conventional trees with genetically modified ones if they were planted in close proximity. He also questioned whether Arctic apples would generate enough in sales to outweigh the $10,000 to $20,000 per acre cost of replanting.
Carter said growers replant orchards all the time and the company aims to have big growers plant the apples in large blocks so cross pollination is minimized. Carter said he's confident the fruit won't harm the environment and he's submitted paperwork to the USDA and FDA to prove his point.
"Some people won't like it just because of what it is," he said. "In the end, it's a great product, no question about it, and people will see the process used to get it had very sound science."
Companies have invested heavily in crops genetically modified to improve flavor, increase yields or nutrition and make them drought resistant, said Andrew Kimbrell, executive director of the Center for Food Safety, a nonprofit public interest group based in Washington, D.C. Often, though, the genes that define those traits are one small part of a complex system, he said.
"Scientists have been saying they're only turning one thing off, but that switch is connected to another switch and another switch," Kimbrell said. "You can't just do one thing to nature. It's nice to think so, but it just doesn't work that way."
He also said the non-browning technology appears to benefit apple growers and shippers more than consumers by allowing companies to sell apples that are older than they look.
"A botox apple is not what people are looking for," Kimbrell said. "I'm predicting failure."
Crunch Pak, based in Cashmere, Wash., is No. 1 in the sliced apple market, with customers including Costco, Kroger Co., Publix and Wal-Mart Stores Inc. The company, founded in 2000, has tripled in size in the past four years, with nearly 500 employees and a new processing plant in Pennsylvania.:wall:
"They look like apple trees and grow like apple trees and produce apples that look like all other apples and when you cut them, they don't turn brown," Carter said. "The benefit is something that can be identified just about by everybody." but they arent really real apples are they
I love how scientists believe they can create a product better than 4 billion years of evolution can.
I love how scientists believe they can create a product better than 4 billion years of evolution can.

Strawman argument...No one is saying science is better than nature, or even that they are in competition. Most of the food we eat is genetically modified through selective breeding. Corn looks very different now than in the past. Fact is, modified crops help feed the world, without them we would have a lot more starving people.
Here is what is wrong with GMO. If they stop making the seeds you stop eating, its that simple. The seeds from GMO foods do not grow into new plants, they are sterile seeds. Heirloom seeds produce food that produces seeds that will grow new plants year after year after year forever.

You will do what they say or you will starve, they will have you completely and totally under their thumb.
Here is what is wrong with GMO. If they stop making the seeds you stop eating, its that simple. The seeds from GMO foods do not grow into new plants, they are sterile seeds. Heirloom seeds produce food that produces seeds that will grow new plants year after year after year forever.

You will do what they say or you will starve, they will have you completely and totally under their thumb.

you will do what they say or you will starve...

have you gone on a beck binge or something????

only when i'm unable to set-up a snare trap, and unable to start a fire, will I starve.
you will do what they say or you will starve...

have you gone on a beck binge or something????

only when i'm unable to set-up a snare trap, and unable to start a fire, will I starve.

I don't even watch Beck, so you would be wrong there. I don't watch Fox, or CNN, or NBC, or CBS, or ABC or anything. TV is for the ones who want to be told how to think, be part of the collective.

Good luck hunting all your food down, hope you live in the Alaskan wilderness because if you haven't noticed there aren't as many animals as there were 100 years ago and there are seasons where it is illegal to hunt. So that 1 deer per year you are allowed if you get selected to receive a tag is not going to feed you and your family for a year bro. Maybe you can just hang out by the highway and get some road kill cafe? MMMMM Possum pancakes and flatcats for breakfast.
The problem with genetic engineering is that we tend to breed out everything except one type of plant. Like our corn crop. Monsanto's Roundup Ready Genuity VT PRO. Then you have plants that are so genetically close that if a disease or bug figures out how to break the genetic code of the plant, the entire crop can be wiped out. Imagine if we our industrial corn crop in two weeks. It could happen. Monsanto already had to redesign that corn seed because weeds were starting to defeat the round up chemical.

The loss of biodiversity is what will happen in the end in the age of big agra business. That's very dangerous. Follow me for just a minute. Let's take for instance the Jewish race. This is a people that tends to marry only within it's small race. There was a recent study by U of C, I think, that showed that if two Jewish people walked by eachother they wouldn't be any further relatives then 5th cousin. It's a race plagued by genetic problems and hereditary diseases. You see the stereotypical whiny Jewish person on places like South Park. And though it's a little racist it's not baseless when Kyle's cousin is constantly whining about problems he has. My ex girlfriend of 4 yrs and my current girl of 4 years are both Jewish. I have spent time with their families, and extended families, and constantly hear about people with problems. Former girlfriend had a genetic disorder that prevented her from taking birth control. Current Girlfriend's brother, mother and uncle have Asberger's. Girlfriend's mom is schizophrenic. Certainly I shouldn't say this is the norm in the community, but it's just what happens when you breed out diversity. The thing is this planet adapts constantly and you can't take survival of the fittest out of the equation. It will adapt to the impact of trying to artificially wipe out problems. We grow this corn now for one character trait, the ability to live through being sprayed with weed killer. It's not because it's the hardiest corn seed we have breeded after 100k years.

Survival of the fittest has become a cliche but that's what nature has done and will continue to do. Just imagine what would happened if we lost our industrialized corn crop? No feed for animals, no ethanol. Processed foods can't be made because corn is in 95 % of those products. There will be no more fast food. Since that's the only thing in poorer neighborhoods, poor people will starve. Because fresh food is already expensive it will become substantially more so and unattainable to less then the middle class (which there isn't much left of today). Food prices will blast through the roof and the competition for food will cause instability in the country followed by violence caused by people in a desperate attempt to feed them and their families. Small farms will be robbed during their harvests. Our delicately teetering economy WILL collapse. No one can bail out the USA. Not even China could do something for us on Irelands scale, plus they have pretty much loaned us all they can. And then there is no USA. Which means there is No USA dollar which is what everything is based on. Not to sound like a paranoid person but I have worked in the food business for over a decade dealing with small farms and many different aspects of food service. We don't understand what it's like to be a place like north korea where you can't feed your people. We certainly have the farm land but a collapse of the processed food industry would rob us of the majority of the food eaten in the US. Just ask yourself what would happen if we didn't have processed food in the land of the obese.
Here is what is wrong with GMO. If they stop making the seeds you stop eating, its that simple. The seeds from GMO foods do not grow into new plants, they are sterile seeds. Heirloom seeds produce food that produces seeds that will grow new plants year after year after year forever.

You will do what they say or you will starve, they will have you completely and totally under their thumb.

Your 100% right that if companies stop making GMO seeds, GMO crops will go away. They do not reproduce viable seeds.
I do a big garden every year and I do use the modified seeds because they are resistant to pests and such and produce faster. That said, I also plant and collect organic aka heirloom seeds as I can get more organic seeds from the produce.
I watch Beck but am not a mind numb robot. He has entertainment value but his words are not Gospel or marching orders for me.
I live in a heavy farm state, and almost everything planted by farmers is a GMO seed. Without them, it would be an economic disaster as we are hooked on those seeds. In fact, its illegal (violation of the GMO companies "license" to plant) to save bought seeds from one year to use next year. You are not allowed to hoard commercial farm seeds.
I collect and store organics because IMHO they taste better but do take more work to grow because they are more open to pests and other diseases.
Here is something else to think about. If an organic beef steak tomato plant cross pollinates with a GMO beef steak plant, the organic plant will have sterile seeds. I don't think that is by accident.
Its an unfortunate evil of the world we live in today, humans have become lazy and squanderous (compared to generations ago). If we were to suddenly go 100% organic a good chunk of the world would die in a matter of weeks due to starvation, this also answers the previous posters question as to why 3rd world countries have straving children in them, politics combined with harsh enviroments that don't allow them to grow the nessisary crops they need unless they use new world tecnology to increass yields.
Here is what is wrong with GMO. If they stop making the seeds you stop eating, its that simple. The seeds from GMO foods do not grow into new plants, they are sterile seeds. Heirloom seeds produce food that produces seeds that will grow new plants year after year after year forever.

You will do what they say or you will starve, they will have you completely and totally under their thumb.

I'm pretty sure that's not accurate. GM grown food doesn't produce sterile seeds. Do you have a source?
The problem with genetic engineering is that we tend to breed out everything except one type of plant. Like our corn crop. Monsanto's Roundup Ready Genuity VT PRO. Then you have plants that are so genetically close that if a disease or bug figures out how to break the genetic code of the plant, the entire crop can be wiped out. Imagine if we our industrial corn crop in two weeks. It could happen. Monsanto already had to redesign that corn seed because weeds were starting to defeat the round up chemical.

The loss of biodiversity is what will happen in the end in the age of big agra business. That's very dangerous. Follow me for just a minute. Let's take for instance the Jewish race. This is a people that tends to marry only within it's small race. There was a recent study by U of C, I think, that showed that if two Jewish people walked by eachother they wouldn't be any further relatives then 5th cousin. It's a race plagued by genetic problems and hereditary diseases. You see the stereotypical whiny Jewish person on places like South Park. And though it's a little racist it's not baseless when Kyle's cousin is constantly whining about problems he has. My ex girlfriend of 4 yrs and my current girl of 4 years are both Jewish. I have spent time with their families, and extended families, and constantly hear about people with problems. Former girlfriend had a genetic disorder that prevented her from taking birth control. Current Girlfriend's brother, mother and uncle have Asberger's. Girlfriend's mom is schizophrenic. Certainly I shouldn't say this is the norm in the community, but it's just what happens when you breed out diversity. The thing is this planet adapts constantly and you can't take survival of the fittest out of the equation. It will adapt to the impact of trying to artificially wipe out problems. We grow this corn now for one character trait, the ability to live through being sprayed with weed killer. It's not because it's the hardiest corn seed we have breeded after 100k years.

Survival of the fittest has become a cliche but that's what nature has done and will continue to do. Just imagine what would happened if we lost our industrialized corn crop? No feed for animals, no ethanol. Processed foods can't be made because corn is in 95 % of those products. There will be no more fast food. Since that's the only thing in poorer neighborhoods, poor people will starve. Because fresh food is already expensive it will become substantially more so and unattainable to less then the middle class (which there isn't much left of today). Food prices will blast through the roof and the competition for food will cause instability in the country followed by violence caused by people in a desperate attempt to feed them and their families. Small farms will be robbed during their harvests. Our delicately teetering economy WILL collapse. No one can bail out the USA. Not even China could do something for us on Irelands scale, plus they have pretty much loaned us all they can. And then there is no USA. Which means there is No USA dollar which is what everything is based on. Not to sound like a paranoid person but I have worked in the food business for over a decade dealing with small farms and many different aspects of food service. We don't understand what it's like to be a place like north korea where you can't feed your people. We certainly have the farm land but a collapse of the processed food industry would rob us of the majority of the food eaten in the US. Just ask yourself what would happen if we didn't have processed food in the land of the obese.

I'm glad you brought up this point. I saw a special on PBS (yeah, I know, I'm surprised I still watch that station at times too) that covered this concept and what was also one of the main reasons for the Great Irish Potato Famine. Agricultural industries that have decided that profit and quantity are more important than quality tend to mainstream their businesses by homogenizing their output and could simply be wiped out if some bug or something came along that couldn't be controlled. Soon we'll all just be eating Soylent Green.
feed the world ? so why the fuck are kids starving around world then?

there is more than enough food on this planet at this very second to feed the entire global population. the problem is that countries like us (i'm american) hoard most of it and control it's distrbution and commerce. and what our government isn't hoarding we as citizens are intentionally wasting. i remember an article in my sociology book about 10 years ago about 5 acres of carrots that somehow were left to grow beyond what they were supposed to. the carrots were DYSTROYED because it was cheaper to start over the fields than to harvest and cut the carrots into peices that would fit in the containers they were supposed to go in. the carrots would probably never have been sold at market because they were too large to be sold whole, but they could certainly have been donated and gone to feed people. i'm not anti-capitalist by any means, but that is just plain fucked up.
Glad you asked....
...I could do this all day. let me know if you need more proof, I can oblige.
THANK YOU! I would rep you but it says I already have and need to spread more.

Copy and paste from one of your links...
Monsanto has:
1. Bought up the seed companies across the Midwest.
2. Written Monsanto seed laws and gotten legislators to put them through. The laws makes cleaning, collecting and storing seeds so complicated and expensive that having normal seed becomes almost impossible.
3. Pushes laws that ensure farmers and citizens can’t block GMO crops, even if they contaminate regular crops.
4. Buried regulations in the FDA rules that make farmers' seed cleaning equipment illegal. It is now considered a “source of seed contamination.”
Sued more than 1,500 farmers whose fields were contaminated by GM crops for growing illegal crops.

#5 has happened in my state. A non GMO farmers crop is cross pollinated with a Monsanto product contains their "patented genes" and is considered a violation of their patent protections...even if accidental and not with any intent. A farmer discovered that his corn was not being killed by round up herbicide but before it would because his seeds were not round up resistant. He learned that by accident using round up to kill weeds along his fence line. The drift spray did nothing to the near by corn. Monsanto got wind of this, tested his crop, found their genetics in it, and he lost his ass.