Georgia growers - Fair Warning


Well-Known Member
friends in north and northeast Georgia to be specific...

the U.S. coast guard is doing spotting flights in our neck of the woods. i do not know for certain which counties are involved in this operation but mine is and as a result my grow is now destroyed and buried.

someone had hinted that this was underway but i was skeptical until seeing the chopper myself this past weekend.

call me paranoid if you want to but the pattern and low flight was way too obvious for me to continue my grow.. either they saw some plants or there was a beautiful naked lady out there.

just be careful out there, you know they want to make a headline out of you if they can.



Well-Known Member
Don't you know the government declared war on you years ago, your in the War On Drugs. Shoulda whipped out that RPG and layed one out on that chopper.


Well-Known Member
Im assuming you had an outdoor grow. Would that affect an indoor grower? Just wondering if they're looking for heat signatures in homes/apts. too.

Im not in Ga. But if it happens'll happen here too.


Well-Known Member
That's a really good fucking question

If anybody knows the answer to that, get crackin'! please lol :joint::mrgreen::joint:

Im assuming you had an outdoor grow. Would that affect an indoor grower? Just wondering if they're looking for heat signatures in homes/apts. too.

Im not in Ga. But if it happens'll happen here too.


Well-Known Member
great post thank you, just another benefit of going to this site is getting heads up on all the 5-0 ops that are going on, and I dont think theyll be scaning every home, its not cost effective, but if they suspect something, they might...My condolances about your grow 7x, better safe than sorry.


Well-Known Member
Don't you know the government declared war on you years ago, your in the War On Drugs. Shoulda whipped out that RPG and layed one out on that chopper.

you should of done what the mexicans do to choppers in thier weed fields...they pull out thier ak's and bring those little flys down


Well-Known Member
Yeah, and I'm sure you boys would be there to back him up, lol,quote :"better to fight and run away, and live to fight another day".BOB.


Active Member
O.k u put the word out there, now please elaborate on this, please. I live in GA and I'm currently doing a backyard grow of 3 plants in pots in a shaded area close to my house, like a enclosed vegetable garden, totally not suspicious looking, but more decorative. I'm not trying to be parenoid from this post, cause I feel like my private garden is not a guerrilla grow or something, but more of a private enclosure. Keep me posted if you find out what counties are involved in a private post if you don't mind... It would be greatly appreciated.....


Active Member
I could be wrong but I believe that police have to obtain a warrant to use heat-imaging detection devices to peer into someone's house. Information gained in this way, without a warrant, has been shot down before by the courts as an "unreasonable search" to citizens who expect privacy in their homes. They can't just fly over houses any more and just do random scans to see who they can bust, However, the police are just as law abiding as the people they arrest so what would stop them from snooping a little to find out who to bring possible surveillance against? They can always lie about gaining enough information from informants if the heat signature is just to good to pass up.

This link can hook you up with more information than I know about state laws (which is very little). Do a browse through the site and find out all sorts of interesting legal stuff. It's a good site to know.

State By State Laws - NORML


Well-Known Member
vburton, all the info i have about their activity is already here. if you're growing in the shade that's certainly to your advantage, i personally go for at least 8-9 hours direct so my stuff was easy to see from up there. if i hear more i'll post it.

they are doing spotting flights, no IR, just eyes.

auntie, the case you linked to is good to look over but there are many more factors to consider than one state court case. i believe that the supreme court has ruled that heat lost to the -outside- of the home is in the same legal plane as curbside trash, it is waste that has been discarded and can therefor be observed without invading privacy. it has also been ruled that "anonymous" tips are not probable cause. anyway, glad the guy got out of it.



Active Member


Well-Known Member
yes, forward infrared looking is unconstitutional. Also anon. tip-offs won't secure a search warrant. If they were, the police would be searching whomever they choose without any probable cause. Police have to disclose the informant and how they came about the knowledge. The informant can't get by with hearsay. Also for treasure hunting informants, if they give bad information a couple of times, the judge will start denying search warrants based on their information.

Outside searches are different though. They'll use eyes-only searches and infrared. Marijuana reflects a certain wavelength of light when infrared is shined on it. However, several other plants do too. If your plants are outside, spaced apart widely and in no particular pattern, it makes it infinitely harder for them to spot. Remember, they are not going to want to do a scavenger hunt all over the forest for 10 or 20 plants. They are looking for fields of ganja so they can make a big bust, get in the news, and justify their paychecks and their pitiful existence.

Your state laws may vary and there's no telling what a pig will do. These are the laws as I understand them and the typical practices of DEA.


Well-Known Member
RPG!! yeah! Has any one herd the song Ganja Farmer by Marlon Asher

"Big stinkin helicopter flow through di air
what dem call it dem call it weedeater
dem never did there when me wa totin water
or when me did applying fertilizer
yet outta di sky dem spittin fire
and im a little youth man with a hot temper
me dig up me stinkin rocket launcher
and in a di air dispense the helicopter
me ya chant"


Well-Known Member
it's hard to tell, up here in new york. i live near a military base, and there are lots of flying objects. i saw a plane the other day, really low, with a huge satellite atop it!! bugged me out.

and today, i saw three helis flying super low. they're all military aircraft, and im not worried.. but i am worrying about where to put mine outdoors when i transplant, so that the cadets in the woods don't find them and ruin them.

can't wait to have my own home and private yard. do what my friend and his pops do.... grow six, six feet tall cour diesel plants. and have a nice fucking day.


Well-Known Member
I would think you had to be doing quite a large outdoor grow to be worried. They surely aren't likely to spot a few plants growing somewhere. Just think of the incredible amount of money spent to kill 20 or so plants someone is growing.


Well-Known Member
What about crime-stoppers? You leave a tip, if it leads to an arrest you get paid. How do they "arrest" somebody by just hearsay.


Well-Known Member
I would think you had to be doing quite a large outdoor grow to be worried. They surely aren't likely to spot a few plants growing somewhere. Just think of the incredible amount of money spent to kill 20 or so plants someone is growing.
in Georgia they spend thousands to lock one person up for a q bag, send them to court and put them on probation for a year... since it's the government things don't have to make sense. :)

W33D, those kinds of things are leads that they will "follow up" on most of the time, if it sounds good to them. they can't get a warrant because someone left a VM at 1800stopcrime or whatever.



Well-Known Member
in Georgia they spend thousands to lock one person up for a q bag, send them to court and put them on probation for a year... since it's the government things don't have to make sense. :)
You do make a very valid point.

U.S. Marshalls just hauled a buddy of mine off today in chains and shackles. He was on probation for a marijuana possession charge and awaiting trial on a mushroom charge (not to mention a cultivation charge 8 years ago). Apparently he failed one of his first probation drug screens back in April. Now they've hauled him off and he's getting a speedy trial. They moved it up from July 10th to this Monday!

Our drug laws are stupid. My buddy is not too bright either though. He allowed unwarranted searches without probable cause on all three occasions!:evil:


Well-Known Member
Don't you know the government declared war on you years ago, your in the War On Drugs. Shoulda whipped out that RPG and layed one out on that chopper.
ever fired a rpg and hit what you intended to or tried to down a chopper with one, ain't easy with one of those;) an AR15 type or a larger .30 rifle will do way better on the job:D
but you know the other problem, if that thing goes down thousands more will come to bury it:twisted: