Germ. / Seedling Help


Well-Known Member
Ok im having trouble with my seedling sprouting through the soil...

Im germinating with the water bottle technique where you just palce the seeds in a cup filled with water and let them soak, and they usualy germinate within 24-36hrs with the root sticking out 1/6inch.

Usualy i let it sit for another day to let the root come out some more, Then ill plant it with soil after diging a 1/2-1inch whole with my pinky and place the seedling in there. Then ill wet the seed and get the soil moist and cover it up.....Then ill place it in my closet with complete darkness and wait for it to sprout and *Nothing Happens*

I dunno if im over watering it or its not hot enough or the soil isnt compact enough or what the damn seed doesent want to pop through the soil....My 1st attempt never came up after almost 2 weeks so i just dug it up and threw it out, My 2nd attemp has been under soil in darkness for 4-5 days and nothing yet but *note* i dropped the cup and the dirt went everywhere and i had to find the seed and replant it so it might be in shock*, Now my 3rd attempt is almost done germinating with its tail sticking out 1/6 inch with the seed half way cracked and waiting to plant it...

So any infomation or pointers would be nice, and these are Afghan seeds from nirvana so i realy dont want to waste these seeds...
i put mine under my light once in soil. they are under the soil so they are fine. you may need more heat.
well i tell you a few ways i do it....for quick rooting an sprouting i just use 1.25in rock wool cubes an just drop the seed in an put it under the light keep the rockwool wet..after 2-3days you should see green coty leafs formed on the top of the cubes...the other way is with a heat mat an humitdy dome...just drop the seeds in some soil only about a quater want the seeds barly coverd an then after a week you should have white sprouts with coty's on them so its safe to start under the light now...both ways i use an have almost a 100%germ an grow rate...
also what i think your problem is with your tec is that your planting the seeds to deep..
As soon as it shows a root, stick it in the medium under lights. Keep it moist, not too wet. :peace:
i put mine right under light also after I plant them in soil....I just keep them about 3 feet from my 430 son agro, and they pop out within 24 hours...also 1/2-1 inch deep is to deep...plant them the depth of a seed...about an 1/8 of an inch deep and just lightly mist the top of the soil when it dries until the sprout pops out......
Thanks for the info.....I guess im just going to place them under lights to generate heat and i might be planting them to deep in the soil...So im planting my 3rd seed as we speak and from here ill see how it goes...
if you want to have sprouting seeds, the best way to do it, is place the seeds in between two sheets of WET paper towel, and put it in a ziplock bag.(the ziplock keeps the paper towels moist which allows the seeds to sprout) then within like 3-6 days, they will start to sprout. once they sprout, THEN place them in the soil and continue growing. it works EVERYTIME, I promise.
Yea germinating isnt a problem but just getting the seedling coming through the soil is, i believe i was putting the seed to deep in the dirt...but i just planted a bean today and well see what happens
once they're in the dirt, i spray the soil with a water bottle to keep from overwateing... don't wanna drown em, just dampen.
i pop mine in paper towels then put them 1/4 to 1/8 deep in soil with no light, just use a spray bottle to wet soil until they come out, also dont pack soil around them to tight