Germinate? or Plant Directly in Soil?


Well-Known Member
Just looking for opinions.. I've been planting directly with decent results, but I'm considering trying the paper towel method.
Dropping the seed into a glass of water, wait until it sinks to bottom, then plant into soil works very well.
Also its a good way to see that
1) the seed absorbs enough water to germinate and isn't dead before you put it into the soil (as it wouldn't sink)
2) the chlorine in the water can also help clean the seed of any bacteria.
.The paper towel method does work really well, but that little tap root that appears from the seed case also has little grippers on it, so when you move it from the paper towel, you 'could be' also damaging the tap root without knowing it.
Get a magnifying glass and have a look.
But growers/seed strainers/banks all prefer the paper towel method as you can clearly see the tap root coming out, whereas in soil, you just never know until you see her emerge.
Too many seeds have been killed by impatience. digging them up to see whats happening.
All down to the growers preference tho bro if it works, don't fix it.
Overall, In my opinion i think they prefer to start in soil, as they would in nature
once tail is seen or sprout is seen and seed is opening place directly into final pot, do not transplant autos cant take stress or topping or any ploblems just get em to pop soil and your in the good, and dont use an over powered HPS MH HID light right above the soil use a few cfls or a far far far away HID light dont let em dry out and dont soak more then one time a day
Just looking for opinions.. I've been planting directly with decent results, but I'm considering trying the paper towel method.

What do you mean by, "decent results"? Certainly, all methods already mentioned work just fine, but if you are not doing better than "decent", there is a problem. What are you using for soil? How deep are you planting? How much water? Where are your seeds from, and how old are they? If not just acquired, how are they stored? With fresh, quality seed and good practices you should be getting very close to 100% germination.
jiffy plug /green house

i made a method that has gotten me about 96% seed germ in 4 days ( 1-2 inches tall baby leaf and start of true leaf)

soak the plugs in water with a mix of rapid start (rooting hormones) ........20 mins they are all puffy squeeze it 3 times so not so water soaked .....take a Bic pen cap and poke a hole in the top of the plug....bulby end of the seed goes down pointy end up .....put the plugs in the tray add some of the water u used to soak them in the 4 corners

here is my trick
get a laundry cap (u know put soap in it dump on clothes toss cap in ...that cap ) ......go to the store and buy some Seltzer water (the 6 oz bottle best buy) take cap fill it with some seltzer water and put it in the tray .........before u cap it off make sure u take a joint/cig and make a small hole in the greenhouse top or side.....CO2 is aheavy gas so will pool up the hole allows the oxygen to be pushed out as the Co2 is release from the water

the final part is heat ......u want to put it some place warm (i use a 2 foot 8 bulb t5 ) i set it on top of that it keeps it at the prefect temp i have plants in 3/4 days every time .....unless the seed is a dud over 200 plants 8 fails maybe 9 need to look at a plug
that is what i use
Usually ,I drop the seed into a transparent cup of water ,it will sink after not more than 24 h...........after another 24-48 hours ,it will crack..................

As soon as I see the seed cracked and the white "content" is showing ,I bury it less than an inch deep .
Never had problems so far.
I prefer the paper towel method. I also place it in the hole with the tap root down which is insurance that it will not have to fight and contort to make it to the surface. When I see the tap root I know it's a good seed. The paper towel method is especially helpful with old seed or seed that was stored badly (i.e. in a hot garage), that way you know what is good and what isn't.
What do you mean by, "decent results"? Certainly, all methods already mentioned work just fine, but if you are not doing better than "decent", there is a problem. What are you using for soil? How deep are you planting? How much water? Where are your seeds from, and how old are they? If not just acquired, how are they stored? With fresh, quality seed and good practices you should be getting very close to 100% germination.
I am getting close to 100%
I've been an avid soil sprouter all along but was interested in hearing others methods.
Thanks for all the replies!
once tail is seen or sprout is seen and seed is opening place directly into final pot, do not transplant autos cant take stress or topping or any ploblems just get em to pop soil and your in the good, and dont use an over powered HPS MH HID light right above the soil use a few cfls or a far far far away HID light dont let em dry out and dont soak more then one time a day
You think a dual spectrum T5 4xbulb would be ok to grow from start to finish a couple autos ?just in reply to this post not trying to hijack the germination thread :)
You think a dual spectrum T5 4xbulb would be ok to grow from start to finish a couple autos ?just in reply to this post not trying to hijack the germination thread :)
yes but yield and density would not be optimal you might pull a zip of some fluffy
yes but yield and density would not be optimal you might pull a zip of some fluffy
All gd ill give it a try anyways just for fun got 4 dark devil seeds might do 2 under t5s and 2 outdoors when there is more sunlight hours in the days souther hemisphere