

Well-Known Member
I've been germinating for about 2days, maybe a little more, and i took a look at the seeds today and didn't see a difference from when i put them there.
Could this mean these seeds are bad? or just taking longer then others?


Well-Known Member
WORD Lacy..hows things young lady?

Anyhoo,Check you have the seeds somewhere that is consistently warm...around 21-25*C should be fine..
If you're Germing in paper towels, are the towels sufficiently moist?
If they're seeds you have had laying around for a while, where do you store them? if stored incorrectly ,ie too hot, for a while it can make the seeds unviable.
What color are the seeds? if theyre white/pale green they could be immature.
Also bare in mind that some strains seed can take upto a couple of wks to germ, it also depends on how old the seeds are, how much vigor the seed embryos have and the environmental factors that you create.
You could Change the paper towels, use fresh water,add 1 drop of superthrive,and put back in ziploc or whatever...superthrive seems to really help seeds that are a lil 'tarded or slow starters.
And finally, yup, patience,patience and some more patience as Lacy said.

good luck :)


New Member
Hey. Isn't it getting a bit warm for you this time of year frosty?

You know....I still sing "Frosty the snow thug was a very jolly soul.......
with a corncob pipe and a button nose and two eyes made out of coal.

Ohhhh frosty the snow thug....ok you get the idea;)

Very good thank you and I hoep you are also :)
Nice to see you posting again. I didn't know snowthugs hibernated in the winter;)


Well-Known Member
LOl.. sounds like christmas is never gonna be the same in your household.

Yeah all kewl here hun, we are all excited as we're awaiting delivery of a new pooch ... a lil 8wk old Mast-weiler. :)

I decided to keep my head down a lil over the past couple of mths, had a series of local small-scale busts..One a few houses down the street, so i decided it was prolly best to go 'dark' for a lil while, as they had the choppers out on a regular basis, and my house must glow like the northstar on the chopper cameras.
But we've fixed that now ;)


Well-Known Member
it could be that there bad but it could also just take more time sometimes it can take up to a week for seeds to germinate

Well-Known Member
I've had a lot of expensive seed disasters here..I tried everything! turns out to be overnight cold...(cheap landlord) also makes it almost impossibe to keep a mean temp' inside the tera-flats...I lost $350 in seeds(I'm stubborn) on 5 tries! the kahunas were an anomaly(free b.c.s.k.seeds) from jan. all haze/nl failed(2 orders). one white widow survived the 3rd. try(out of almost 30 seeds)..3ww lived the 4th.try(another 25 seeds)2 were males..(I'm keeping one male)...and the last try,15 diesel and 11 pineapple....same shit..they crack , stall, die....lesson: climate control is taken for granted! well, at least we don't have to haul water! all we need now is a fuckin' banjo!(o.k. so I haven't quite gotten over the massive waste of seeds, time, and money, putting me back a good nine months!)