Germinating and Rapid Rooter Tray


New Member
Beginner to the whole growing process and am wondering if I have a rapid rooter tray that holds 50 rapid rooters, is it viable to germinate 3-4 seeds and not have to use the other 46-47 slots? Along with this question, I'm inquiring how much water would be needed for the 3-4 rooters and honestly might be tempted to just go in and do 5-6, so if there's anyway I can get a recommended feeding schedule and the SPECIFIC amount of water (and type of water, curious if it needs to be PH'd or not) needed in order to successfully germinate these seeds it would be greatly appreciated.
Beginner to the whole growing process and am wondering if I have a rapid rooter tray that holds 50 rapid rooters, is it viable to germinate 3-4 seeds and not have to use the other 46-47 slots? Along with this question, I'm inquiring how much water would be needed for the 3-4 rooters and honestly might be tempted to just go in and do 5-6, so if there's anyway I can get a recommended feeding schedule and the SPECIFIC amount of water (and type of water, curious if it needs to be PH'd or not) needed in order to successfully germinate these seeds it would be greatly appreciated.

You can use as many or as few as you want. There is no specific amount of water to give. Just keep the rooters damp not soaking wet and let the seed germinate. Don't overthink things. It's a simple task to germinate seeds.
Find a cheap AeroGarden on Craigslist. Rapid Rooters can be cut to fit into their little 'net pots'.. (I've even used cut up pieces of Frost King AC insulation) ..Transplanting into hydro or soil from the AG is a snap.
You can use as many or as few as you want. There is no specific amount of water to give. Just keep the rooters damp not soaking wet and let the seed germinate. Don't overthink things. It's a simple task to germinate seeds.
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