germinating autos with gibberellic acid problem


Well-Known Member
I germinated a run of Auto CK two weeks ago, I used my usual hydrogen peroxide method which typically results in 95% germination in a day or two, but as the seeds were a year old and I had some gibberellic acid I figured I'd use it, as a quick forum search indicated people use it regularly for germination. I added it to the germination solution at 20ppm so only a tiny amount, so small I had to use a scale for measuring rifle cartridge propellant. I think I added about 0.02 grams to a litre or something.
I got 70% germination in 6 hours and 95% germination in 12 hours and the seedlings were a bit leggy as expected, but looked good. popped the jiffy pellets into the flood and drain tables and everything was fine until yesterday when about 50% of them popped a pair of male flowers out at the bottom node. wtf.
Now the most prudent course of action would be to yank the lot and start again without the gibberellic acid, but the thing is there are 800 plants in a SOG in 9 tables so I'm really keen to put a couple of days into finding a fix and gathering info from people experienced with using gibberellic acid on autos before I go down that road. Producing seeds, germinating and planting out 800 autos is a lot of work.
Can anybody who has experience with gibberellic acid on autos specifically chime in?

This is a duplicate post btw, so sorry for that. Not sure if there is a rule against it I also posted it in the Autos forum. Admin please feel free to move or delete one of them.

I don't see how the effects of Ga3 would be any different between auto's and photo's.

You don't need gibberellic acid for one year old seeds. Ga3 can do some strange things depending on the strength of solution. Some use it for reversing female plants to get feminized pollen. If you can get the formulation down it can be used with BAP to do do some really neat things with plants. I've played around with Ga3. The only thing I use it for now with cannabis is old seeds. One year old seeds are not old seeds.

As I said, Ga3 can do some strange things. I'd probably pick the male parts off and see if they came back but that could end up wasting time and work if the plants start shooting out male parts midway through flower. You are right that the most prudent course of action would be to start over without the Ga3. I don't think you're going to find any solution that can guarantee that those plants won't continue or develop male parts later on.

Still, 20 ppm is such a weak solution of Ga3 that I don't see it causing the issues with male flowers. I use a much stronger solution than that on old seeds and I've never had that behavior occur. A picture of one of the specimens displaying this issue would be nice.

as the seeds were a year old

I just finished a seed run where I made F2 seeds of my Blueberry x Afghani #1 (I call it Spiceberry) strain, and the F1 seeds I grew the plants from were just shy of five years old.

You don't need anything to get seeds to germinate. They're either viable, or they aren't. Generally, the method of storage is the largest determining factor of the viability of stored seeds.