germinating problem


so i got my some autos last week and started to germinate one. i used the paper towel method where i place it in a wet paper towel and place it in 2 plates. to keep it warm i put it on a radiator at very low heat. after 2 days the seed cracked open but no taproot came out and if you looked inside it was all just really black, you wouldn't be able to see anything. i waited another day and the seed started to turn green it looks like the seed died. so i just put it in a cup of soil hoping the old natural way might help. could you please tell me what's wrong cuz it definitely looks like the seed is dead. thank you please help cuz i am concerned :-?. i would of posted pictures but now that i placed the seed in soil i don't want to disturb it.


Well-Known Member
Probably cooked them on that radiator I put mine in a paper towel in a DVD case under my router never failed


yeah thats what i was also thinking even though the radiator was not very hot, its a shame i lost one seed like that. thank you guys for answering


yeah but herbies don't ship to where i live. i also tried different websites but most of them don't ship here either


Well-Known Member
I would suggest never using the paper towel method. I would also suggest buying a tray, dome, heat mat, and root riot plugs. I never suggest using rockwool.

I dip the plugs in plain water(ph 5.8), put my seed pointed end down into the plug, then right into the heated propagator under your CFL, T5, or other light source. I find leaving them in the dark can make them stretch, not to mention how un-natural that is.

I usually have really healthy sprouts in 3-5days. My success rate went from about 50% getting seeds to succefully germ/sprout to nearly 100% with this method.

If you don't go the heated propagator route, I would just plant my seeds directly into their medium. Make sure it's 75-80 degrees and your RH is 70%-80%.

I always grew from clones in the past and recently tried almost every method of turning seeds into healthy little sprouts. The paper towel method only increases your chances of failure, forcing you to handle the seed in their most fragile state.

Remember it's hard to improve upon mother nature. They need moisture, heat, and light. I prefer the 20/4 light schedule for seedlings/early veg.


Active Member
The paper towel method don't work if the paper too wet or too hot it sounds like your paper was too wet this will crack the seed shell but the tap root has too much water so it'll just sit there and turn to mush I used to use this method paper towel in a baggie on top of my stove's pilot light you want the baggie to stream up 80*-90* shouldn't be no hotter I don't use the paper towel any more cause it's easy to get the paper too wet or not wet enough now I put sunshine mix 4 in the baggie and warn to 85* I water the sunshine mix let drain for a day and preheat it before I put the seeds in it before I put the seeds in the sunshine mix I'll soak the seeds in a cup of water they should float 1-4 hours then sink if they don't sink they're no good the ones that sink are the good ones don't let them soak too long once they sink put'em in the sunshine mix~


Active Member
The real problem here is a lack of experience and skill. The paper towel method is a leftover from third grade where they start bean or pumpkin seeds in paper towels so you can see how they look when they re germinating. Ditch the towel. Put it in soil from the start and you'll be cool.
I learned it for Martha Stewart old tv show!