Germinating Question.


Active Member
I started germinating my seeds a couple of days ago and I put them on a plate and put a mildly wet paper towel on it and put my seed on there then covered the seeds with a very slightly damp paper towel and wrapped it in saran wrap. I then put it in my laptop case to keep it dark and put it under my laptop.

It's pretty moist and its only been 2 days, but once I had the seeds in an outside pocket and the laptop made it pretty hot. Now I have the case flipped over so that the seeds aren't very hot and just kind of warm.

Do you think the heat from the laptop could've damaged my seeds?

Is the constant moisture a problem?


Well-Known Member
the moisture is good, but the heat can cook them. room temp is usually fine, mildly warm areas can help, but try not to use anything that will get them hot.


Well-Known Member
if you have a cable box, put it on top of that, or maybe even on top of your TV if you have a stable enough position


Active Member
Thanks for the info.

I looked at them today, about 48 hours after I started germinating them and I'm pretty sure I see a little white stem starting to emerge.

I know that the germinating is also parallel to the moon patterns so hopefully this will be a good grow. After I get them planted I'll start a grow journal.


Well-Known Member
I wrapped mine in paper towels, put it in a tuperware and put it in my closet.

2 seeds popped in two days, two more a day later.

I have one unpopped seed but planted it anyway thinking potting soil is at least as good as a paper towel.