Germinating seeds>sealed bag and tissue and plate


Well-Known Member
I am experimenting germinating I have two seeds AK48 and Afghan Silver. I have put the AK48 in damp tissue and a sealed bag while I have put the Afghan Silver seed in damp tissue on a plate I have placed them both in a warm area to see which takes off first.
I will keep you all updated and let you know which seed roots first and I will post pictures once they start Thankyou
I usually just soak some paper towels with a 1/4 tsp or so of SuperThrive. Fold it up put in a zip lock bag fold it up. And put it under a flap of the mylar about some cfl I use in a clone box. 24hrs nice roots easily. The SuperThrive old timers advise to help producing females. Could just be a wise tale.
The AK48 rooted first which i put in wet towel and put in a sealed bag had a look at it this morning and it had rooted so i have put it straight in to a sponge until it starts, I will keep you updated about the Afghan Kush I have put that in a sealed bag because I have seen how quick it roots Thank you
this method usually works a treat just keep them warm ;)

"wives tale" as in "old wives tale"

Not to be a dick or anything, I just would rather someone corrected me if I misspoke than let me keep saying something incorrectly.

Anyway, I have always used a damp paper towel in a plastic bag, not sealed, so as to allow some air circulation. Nowadays, I am more inclined to just drop it in some moist soil out of direct light. Or a starter plug... Actually, I will probably end up using the paper towel thing again. Always reverting to what I know works.
"wives tale" as in "old wives tale"

Not to be a dick or anything, I just would rather someone corrected me if I misspoke than let me keep saying something incorrectly.

OK, I'll bite and make the correction as I have for many years. Using any (non-conventional) method other than sowing directly in soil is, well, quite ignorant of plant processes.

Sheesh.....only in cannabis forums. If it's popular it's usually wrong.

Light is OK, and direct sun all day is best once the seedling starts pushing.


Here's my archive:

Germinating Cannabis Seeds (for Bio Growers)

Your seedlings will be alot better off if you germinate directly in soil - less handling and mechanical disturbance means less chance of physical damage to the plant's taproot (and roothairs) and less food reserves used to position itself due to the natural hormonal influence called Gravitropism. That translates into less food reserves used and increased seedling vigor, especially in the very early critical stages of seedling development.

This is my foolproof method for Cannabis Seed Germination in soil:

First, if harvesting seeds from my own crosses, I air-dry newly harvested seeds for a couple of weeks, and then store them in the refrigerator with a little rice. Cold-treatment seems to increase viability and germination rates, especially with indica-dom strains. I almost always get a 100% germination rate with quality seedstock.

Soak the seeds in plain water for 12 hours prior to planting to hydrate them, which will speed up germination. In general, good seeds will sink, bad seeds will remain floating (they contain air, not an embryo). I first sterilize seeds in a bleach solution (1 Tbsp. bleach/1 gallon of water) for 1/2 hour to kill any fungus residing on the seedcoat.

Sterilize enough *damp* fine soil with heat to germinate all of your seeds. You can do this by treating the damp soil to temps of (no more than) 200F for 20 mins in a conventional oven, or in a microwave oven on high for 2 minutes, while stirring a couple of times. Your goal is to get and hold the entire soil mix's temperature at 170F to 180F for about 20 minutes which can be monitored with a probe type thermometer. Let the mix cool thoroughly. This will insure that damp-off fungus spores have been killed in the soil mix. Make sure the soil mix is light and humusy (not real coarse). You can add a little sand or vermiculite to aid in drainage and weight.

Buy some white 20oz styrofoam "drinking glasses", commonly called "Styro-Cups", and punch holes in the bottom (and side bottom) for drainage. I use a red-hot ice pick for this. These containers are 6 1/2" tall and will allow ample room for the taproot to grow before cotyledon emergence which will increase your seedling's vigor. The taproot (radicle) is already at least 4" long at the point of emergence - don't restrict it (in order to maximize seedling growth rate). Styro-Cups can be found on the shelf displaying picnic items at your local grocery store.

Fill the pots almost to the top with your soil mix, water well to settle the mix, take a pencil and make a small hole about 1/4" to 1/2" deep, NO deeper, and drop *one* seed in. Cover the seed with *fine* soil, only enough to top up the hole, firm lightly with your finger, and lightly water until water runs freely thru the drain holes. Place in a warm spot around 80F/26C. Do NOT cover the cup with saran wrap or anything else. The seed has been hydrated from the soaking and will germinate soon. This container should not require further watering until the seedling is up and running.

During the first couple of days, mist the top soil surface lightly (if need be), never allowing the top to crust over, but not to the point that the medium stays waterlogged which will invite pythium rot (damp-off). "Less is more" at this point. Do NOT water this pot any more until the seedling is up, and only if it needs it at the point of emergence. Again, no need to cover with plastic wrap as the radicle (taproot) will grow at least 4" before the cotyledons emerge from the soil. IOW, even though you can't see it, the plant's root is seeking and finding moisture at the container's lower soil levels. I cannot emphasize this enough. The seedling will emerge anywhere from 2 to 10 days from the time you sowed it.

That's all to it! With good care, your faves will be ready to transplant within 1 to 2 weeks, and will easily slip out of the "cup" with a solid rootball that will never know it's been disturbed if potted up gently and quickly. Move up to a final pot of 3 to 5 gallons to sex and finish.

Good luck,
Uncle Ben
Germinate Cannabis Seeds

[TABLE="width: 95%"]
[TD]Basically, you’ll need two saucers or plates and some moist tissue. Line the bottom of the first plate with a few layers of wet tissue and drain any excess water from the plate. Next, place your marijuana seeds on top of the tissue, allowing each marijuana seed as much space as possible. Place another few layers of moist tissue on top of the seeds, again allowing excess water to drain off.[/TD]
[TD] Lastly, cover everything with the second plate, upside down, to form a ‘clam-shell’ shape – this will create the dark, moist environment necessary for germination.[/TD]
[TD] Place the plates somewhere warm (21ºC) and away from direct light.[/TD]
[TD]Your seeds are now on their way to germination. Check your cannabis seeds every day to ensure that the tissue does not dryout. Your cannabis seeds will die if they dry out! Spray the tissues with water if necessary. Within a few days you should see the first seeds open and a root emerge. It is uncommon, but some marijuana seeds may take up to 10 days or even two weeks to open.[/TD]
[TD]When the first few millimeters of root have emerged from an open seed, you should then CAREFULLY (preferably with tweezers) transfer it to a small container of growing medium (soil or rockwool). Make a hole 2-3mm (max 5mm) deep in the medium, place your seed, root first, into the hole and cover over.[/TD]
[TD]Your seedling should emerge from the medium within 1 to 3 days.[/TD]
[TD] Prevent direct light.[/TD]
[TD]After two weeks you[/TD]
Uncle Ben,

I was correcting jhod's use of the phrase "an old wive's tale" He mistakenly referred to "a wise tale" Looks like I quoted the wrong post. I agree that dropping a seed in damp, shaded soil is probably best. There are no paper towels, plates or starter cubes in nature. People love to over complicate things and demonstrate the conquerer spirit; that man's ingenuity knows no bounds.

If worm shit is fine, "super grow power concentrated synthetic phosphorus-enriched genetically modified super worm castings formula 420" is BETTER! Your plants will suffer and die slowly without it! Just like all the plants in the rain-forests would die without humans super ability to...

kill them first.

I still use the damp paper towels though. I have done it before with success and dont see a need to mess with it. I drop them right into soil after they grow a tap root.
Good points.

I still use the damp paper towels though. I have done it before with success and dont see a need to mess with it. I drop them right into soil after they grow a tap root.

I never said you can't be successful with it but as is the case with most popular cannabis forum practices, there are smarter ways of doing business. I provided you with the age old, conventional and professional method of seed germination which removes the danger of damaging the radicle and provides more vigor as presented in my text. You do what you want.

Good luck,
Germinate Cannabis Seeds

[TABLE="width: 95%"]
[TD]Basically, you’ll need two saucers or plates and some moist tissue. Line the bottom of the first plate with a few layers of wet tissue and drain any excess water from the plate. Next, place your marijuana seeds on top of the tissue, allowing each marijuana seed as much space as possible. Place another few layers of moist tissue on top of the seeds, again allowing excess water to drain off.[/TD]
[TD] Lastly, cover everything with the second plate, upside down, to form a ‘clam-shell’ shape – this will create the dark, moist environment necessary for germination.[/TD]
[TD] Place the plates somewhere warm (21ºC) and away from direct light.[/TD]
[TD]Your seeds are now on their way to germination. Check your cannabis seeds every day to ensure that the tissue does not dryout. Your cannabis seeds will die if they dry out! Spray the tissues with water if necessary. Within a few days you should see the first seeds open and a root emerge. It is uncommon, but some marijuana seeds may take up to 10 days or even two weeks to open.[/TD]
[TD]When the first few millimeters of root have emerged from an open seed, you should then CAREFULLY (preferably with tweezers) transfer it to a small container of growing medium (soil or rockwool). Make a hole 2-3mm (max 5mm) deep in the medium, place your seed, root first, into the hole and cover over.[/TD]
[TD]Your seedling should emerge from the medium within 1 to 3 days.[/TD]
[TD] Prevent direct light.[/TD]
[TD]After two weeks you[/TD]

Where did you get that bunch of crap? Every one of those points are wrong.

You noobs aren't happy unless you can make something that's so simple and natural into some kind of man made complicated process.

This is the kind of vigor you can expect if you shun typical cannabis forum advice -
I've had good results germinating with the paper towel method. Honestly though, I've had about the same results with a makeshift humidity dome and sticking them into soil (which I've been doing more lately). An advantage to the paper towel method though, is you don't waste medium if a seed doesn't germinate.
Now I'm no botonist but when I think about what happens to seeds in the wild, I think this:

They fall off the plant in late fall, get covered up with leaves, dirt & debris and go dormant until spring.

Come spring the leaves and other debris that covered the seed has began decaying and providing a warm, moist and dark but also light and airy environment for the seed.

Sounds to me like the key factors are warmth, dampness (not wetness), fresh air circulation & shade. Whatever you do to meet those criteria, the seed don't care.

  • Come spring the leaves and other debris that covered the seed has began decaying and providing a warm, moist and dark but also light and airy environment for the seed.

    Sounds to me like the key factors are warmth, dampness (not wetness), fresh air circulation & shade. Whatever you do to meet those criteria, the seed don't care.​

Thanks for the replies

So the the seeds dont need lights straight away then and do they need to be in a propagator once rooted ?????
Durban Poison 3-days to sprout in soil. No humidity dome, 18/6 light cycle, seeds/seedlings need light. I think you guys who say they don't are confusing seeds with a cutting.


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The SuperThrive old timers advise to help producing females.

Last year i did experimented with it. I did 1/4 ml of SuperThrive per gallon and soaked with beans overnight before i planted into soilless medium (medium was statured with ST too) all 7 beans popped and I got my eye poked by five plants (males) and only two females. I debunked this myth.
