Well, shieeeeet....yep, normally seeds show some roots in like less than 24 hours. Yet I once got dat seed germinatin on me after freaking 18 days when I've forgotten about it....maybe try planting in very small cups with some decent soil...if they will - they will, if not - the soil will remain usableSeeds cracked after 24-36 hours in paper towel but no progress since. It’s been about 5 days now.
4 out of 5 seeds did this. Strange. View attachment 5430177
It's very possible.Too wet? I don’t think that’s possible.
Really eh. This is going back roughly twenty years, I had a jar full of seeds from a seeded crop. I didn’t know what to do with them so I put hundreds of them in water and just left them. They all shot out roots about 4-6 inches long with opened cotyledons before they wilted and died.It's very possible.
Next time, wring-out the paper towel a little so it's damp, but not sopping wet. I then put the paper towel in a sandwich ziploc baggie so it doesn't dry out. I also put them on a heat mat with the temp at 80F. A lot of people skip the heat mat, but I've found it tends to speed the process along (heat is a catalyst after all). Anything that doesn't show a tail, or cracks but stalls-out after 2-4 days is a lost cause usually.