

Active Member
Hey guys,

This might be a stupid question, but I am still learning.

When germinating in a paper towel, after you see the first root pop out of your seed you plant it. I have done this on my first 2 grows and it works great.

My question is, when putting the germinated seed into the soil do you HAVE to put the root straight down into the soil, so the shell is up or can you just pop it in anyway and the root will find the bottom?

I ask this because I have tried to get it in the soil perfectly before and in doing so actually broke the small root off.

thanks a lot


Active Member
it's best to put it straight down but regardless of how you place it the root will find it's way.
I've read it's best for the taproot to be facing down, but either way will work. When the taproot is facing down the seedling doesnt have to work as much to grow........"Placing the taproot up, It's like teaching a baby to walk by standing them on their head"


Well-Known Member
wait so the root tip needs to be facing up??
that's right, it is genetically encoded to make a loop in it's taproot. I suspect it helps to pull the hull off the leaves. On it's side would probably be safe too. If they've grown quite long (1/2 inch+) then you'd just plant it down.