Germination am I doing it right?


Well-Known Member
So ahead of the girls I got flying on I decided to try and germinate some bag seed. First attempted was a large sized dark seed with the white tiger strips. I dropped it in a cup of yap water until it sunk to the bottom. I then took it out and tried the paper towel method. 2 days nothing so I put it back in the cup and it just sits there for another 2 days and nothing! So I try another seed the same way this one was light green but sizable. I put it in the cup for a day took it out and put it inside a paper towel inside a zip lock bag on top of an impromptu heating pad. It'd been on the pad since last night and after having just checked on it I noticed it looks quite a bit darker.
Any thoughts on this?
i use paper towel method every time. Fold multiple towels over on themselves multiple times, you want it to hold the moisture. Get a spray bottle, and soak it through. put your seed in the fold of your towel, and place somewhere that you wont forget about it. KEEP IT WET. if you dont have a spray bottle, dip you finger in water, and drop drops of water o,n towel until its pretty wet. Then just wait for your tap root.
I too have tried the cup of water method and I got the same results, so it may not be just you. IDK though, funny thing is, i have read TONS of others who swear by the cup of water method. IDK.....find what works for you and run with it!
Good luck man!
Get some paper towels, get them wet, squeeze out excess water son they are just moist but not dripping, place seeds in the paper.towel and fold the towel up into a square with the seeds in.the middle, put.the folded paper towel in a jar with the lid on, check every 12-18 hours, place seed in.growing medium of.choice with the tap the seed splits, about 1/8 INCH deep, keep moist but not wet, watch grow.
But as a serious reply to the OP...I have always used either the paper towel or direct plant methods. I prefer the paper towel. Only because I like to make sure I have a viable seed before putting it in my medium...personal choice. But it works for me. I have only ever had 2 seeds not germinate...both Jack Herer and both from Green House seeds...they suck but that is another thread.

Anyway, after 48 hours it becomes dubious whether or not the seed is viable. IMHO, if no root shows in 72 hours...start a new one going.
Back some years ago I put some random yard dirt and cat shit into a taco bell cup. It grew to about 6 inches and kinda died.
Hmmmm...that starts me thinking. You know how some folks swear by coffee grown from beans that was in cat shit...They say it is the bomb. I wonder if feeding my cat some bag seed and then growing it out after the cat is done with it...would grow super duper dank nuggies??
