Germination Help Please!


I have started to germ my white widow and afgan kush fem seeds. However I am afraid I messed up a little. I did the old wet paper towel on plate, bowl over plate technique. I used distilled water to wet the paper towel. Nothing has dried out but the seeds have not popped and it's been about 24 hours. I think I let it get to hot. I heard that warm temps are best but I put the plate in my garage....the temps were a stable 97 F for about 9 hours, I think the temps got to about 100 for an hour. Is that going to kill my girls? What is the BEST temp to germ. I have them on a radiator now at about 90F. Will they come back if they were stressed?


Well-Known Member
Just put them in a dark place, Room temp. don't cut of all the oxygen, They will pop, if they are viable, keep them mosit, Those temps are way hot,,,Room temp!


Well-Known Member
i germed some cali hash plant seeds in my garage yesterday. took less than 24 hours to crack and temps get around 95 during the day here so my garage was prob 100 at least


Active Member
lol I did one last week-- put the seed in wet paper towel, put that in a plastic zip-lock bag and put it in a dark cabinet under a hot water bottle lol... the shit worked lol and it sprouted the next day :)


New Member
I just put mine in a paper towel and wet it on a plate. I usualy keep it in a dark cupboard. It will take about 2-3 days so i wouldnt be worried


My white widow just showed it's beuatiful leg..YEA!! I am going to put it in soil tomorrow mourning, once the tap root is longer... I bought a big bag of soil from my local nurcery...put it was mixed with ferterlizer...a 19,10,0 fert.... Will this be okay to plant my seed?? My kush still has not popped.


Well-Known Member
Don't wait for the tap root to get any longer. That only increases the chances of it being unintentionally damaged during planting.

I start my seeds in a fertilizer-free medium as it's very easy to burn a baby, even with a very low dose of ferts (19-10-0 is a bit high.. most potting mixes I've seen have NPK ratios in the hundreths or thousandths ie: .001 or .06)


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I suppose you could, but you'd need a ppm meter to measure how much fert is actually still in the soil...

Alternatively, you could run to walmart or something and pick up a bag of sphagnum peat and some 3 or 4 inch pots to start your seedlings in, then transplant them to the big pots with the nuted soil once they're able to handle it.


Active Member
Yeah, I suppose you could, but you'd need a ppm meter to measure how much fert is actually still in the soil...

Alternatively, you could run to walmart or something and pick up a bag of sphagnum peat and some 3 or 4 inch pots to start your seedlings in, then transplant them to the big pots with the nuted soil once they're able to handle it.

Indeed, the best thing to do is buy some plain soil/ other medium to make sure your sprout doesn't get burned. I wnt to walmart the morning my seed split and got the miracle grow potting soil, but with a low NPK of (.10, .9, .8) or something like that-- only 5$, or less.

Good luck dude.