Germination length?


Active Member
using the wet papertowel germination method, about how long will that take till i see roots or how long till i should cry cause nothing is happening

:peace: ty
i just bought some seeds today. ive seen seeds take only 1/2 a day to germinate, but those were some fatties i found in a bag. i bought some chron seeds and theyre a bit smaller so im not sure how long they will take. i really hope i dont have to wait a week.
I've had seeds that have taken less than 12hrs to show root and in one not so great experience, I gave up on germination after 10 days (after 2 days in papertowel and 8 in soil) to toss the soil from abandoned pots out into garden which is about a foot from pavement and discover a couple of weeks later, a nice looking seedling emerging from soil quite happily in full view of anyone who walked past.
i dont think tossing into soil is smart, i even heard ppl germinating by letting the seeds float in water. i think a wet paper towel in an aerated plastic bag (in dark) is the best way. i only care about my WW feminized seeds sprouting, the freebees the site gave me i dont really care bc if i waste more time caring for males itll just piss me off.
you can buy little ass peat pellets that come in a mini green house at any little k-mart or n e other white trash store,you water them like 2 times when its in the mini green house