Germination question help


New Member
I had one out of 3 of my seeds pop to the surface after 48 hours im a rapid rooter propagation tray with a heating mat in a dark closet. Now that it is above the surface should i have it under the light immediately? Or can i keep it in the dark for a little long till my other seeds pop above the surface? Im going to transplant the rapid rooters to a 5 gal pot just dont know if i can wait it out a littlw without hurting the one that popped.

MA MED Grower

Well-Known Member
Yes you can put it under light.

I just ran a test of new seeds. Put them in rapid rooter cubes under my humidity with water in the tray and a seedling mat. Had my t5 light running the entire time over the tray of seeds. In 2 days they popped and grew perfectly


Well-Known Member
Seeds pop the best in the dark, but most people it seems put lights over their trays of some odd reason. I make a sprouting chamber, usually out of a box or cabinet. Make sure the ambient temps are 78-81 and theres at least some air flow, not like a hard breeze, just barely air flowing. After mine pop I usually take them out of the box/cabinet/whatever, and then put them under the light.
Also whatever you do, DO NOT transplant popped seeds directly into five gallon pots. Plant them into smaller more manageable containers like solo cups with holes in the bottom. Then move them to five gallons after they start to get too big for those. Its really easy to over water and end up with stunted or just really slow growing plants otherwise.


Well-Known Member
I started my seed in 5 gal pot did just fine , I would take that option over transplanting an auto twice any day but only from what I've read about transplanting them