
iv been doing some run test on crap bag weed seeds i got over a month ago there were alot. I was able to get 10 seeds to hatch less than 24hrs. I didnt document anything at the time. Now i gave it a full send on some auto. My first two auto i tried, i used root enhancer and ph was roughly 6.2-6.8. These didnt hatch in 24hrs as planned, but did hatch at 48hrs-72hrs. But one did had a root that was about 2in long( High ass lost the seed in the process of planting or put it down to deep couldnt find it). The other started to sprout inside the towel. ( this plant looking really good. Her leaves are thick, shes only 4 weeks old). Did another batch of autos and documented stuff. 2 out 6 seeds hatched 22hrs. Root was out. Waited another day all seeds hatched 44hrs. I did not add any root enhancer ph roughly 6.2-6.5, personally i think the roots are smaller than last batch but every plant different.

I use a ziploc bag, cotton towels in a dark space in room temps sometimes i try to aim for colder..

