Gertie and her Sisters' long journey to Fruition


Well-Known Member
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Due to a family death and my working away from home all summer... I wasnt able to do anything last year.( and my pocketbook felt the difference....suks when u have to pay for something thats natural,,luckily a better paying job offset the difference..but wow...never realized how expensive that shit can be ,,lol),
when I went to a friends in August of last year, he had a scraggily looking little plant in his l/r window from a seed he got from a 5 bag he bought. it was just begining to show signs of been a girl...
I trimmed it for him to salvage something outta it( lst'd trimmed most bottom plant.Antoher thing i learned on this wonderful site).I salvage 3 braches and took them home.I decided I was going to see what these will get me outside the next season.All I gotta do is keep them in the house over winter..pop them outside in spring,all will be well..or so I thought.. in what was to be the beginning of a long relationship with gertie and I .
With 4 kids at home... its a big time challenge to try to "mask" what your doing. I converted a small area in our basement into " our underground veggie garden" ,or at least as the kids came to know it as " the tomato cave".
In that same area,(just "coincidentally" ;) ) there was an old cold room that hasnt been used in years,I sealed that all up from the outside cold,place in 3-15 watt cfls (one on top,and 1 on each side),,painted the whole room white.
In the basement, the kids and I all helped and built a 10 x 20 foot veggie garden..we used 2x10's laid a membrane inside adding soild from our compost piles.(Oh since my last post we had gotten goats and our compost has increased ten fold..I DONT BUY FERTS ..all naturals) We planted every veggie we could think of...and installed two florescent shop lights 1 above each planterbox.Kids had a blast.
Both boxes were raised off the floor,1 I installed a set of caster wheels on when the kids werent looking. this grew tomato and cilantro..(tall and similar foliage ) .This was placed in front of the cold room door,and forgotten the kids..
Now 3 weeks later...all the veggie boxes are loaded with fresh sprouts of everything,.carrots were good when satueed with a little garlic salt and ...oh wait!! off track back to story.. .. and the three branches in the room took off as well...they were already a foot tall..uh oh!! guess they really like goat and chicken manure for soil mixture,thus began the first of many "haircuts" they got over the winter,
As the cold days of winter set by, the gardens taught the kids and I lot about composting,2nd 3rd generation Heirloom seeds,making a tea, and even setting up a rain barrel system.We laid out veggie plots and garden ideas for the summer and got everything ready..( as was I )
I learned from some online reading and friends that had sativia strain...My rookie season was indica.I didnt know at first that these strains grow like the freaking wind!! it was nuts some days I opened that room door.I was still working away so they were left to be on thier Monday to fri...the lights never went off.and were always 6 inches away from tops...I was donating clones and feeding goats some many leaves he dont like it anymore...which was my plan...force him to eat so much he sick of it.. wont touch
Finally!!! Spring... can give the Girls one last haircut,and get em outside.The kids and I planted our veggie gardens ..I even built a Hukelkulture bed( for those that dont know google it!! PERFECT for guerilla growers that cant get back to water often ).I had the kids plant soooo many different plants and flowers on every open place in the yard we could... so no one would be wary of the "contents" of all plants involved.
Plan worked!! kids were all for it for the the first few months of summer..and are now bored of it.I am left to tend to the gardens while they wont give any of it a second glance,in fear of having to do some labour work there..So yes, I gotta do the work... but they are also win !
I apologize for such a long read with only a few pics... but I honestly didnt know how this was going to turn out. and never thought to take any..I do have some pics I will post of various stages,and will definetly share the rest of the chronicles of Gertie and da girls as soon as I can find the pics.We are coming to the end of the season for the veggies..but the girls are green as could be..which isnt really a good thing.Its getting close to frost season,and apprtly this strain has a longer growing season the the other,so I've got to soon think about building a greenhouse of sorts over them till they finish off.
The few pics I found were after we had all the diggin done ,yard reshaped and all veggies in basement ready to go outside( Quite a bit of work just to mask 3 plants lol ). My three girls got placed out into thier new forever homes as well.Gertie is absolutely loving the sun, I'll go get more pics shortly. Thanks for reading and sorry so long.
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20140608_204132.jpg 20140627_171741.jpg 20140627_171759.jpg 20140627_171806.jpg I had also found a few pics of a few weeks after original pics.. this is of the hukelculture bed also.(I think I am going to try hukelture with my girls next summer)
I had cropped and chopped all I had hoped that these girls will grow out nice..but not up..I had to keep them below the fence line ,,so the haircuts continued throught the summer.. What I could tie down I did...
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Mid season pics.... Gardens are going good..and Gertie is just loving the outdoors.. her sisters are fairing well too ,but not as healthy.been hard keeping them trimmed,,they just wanna go.I was amazed at the results of the hukelkulture bed as well. I didnt water anything in that garden once this year and it thrived..I am definetly going with it next yr for the girls20140814_201453.jpg 20140814_201845.jpg 20140905_190140.jpg 20140905_190146.jpg 20140905_190216.jpg 20140905_190231.jpg 20140905_190257.jpg 20140905_190308.jpg
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... and NOW the whole reason for this thread in the first
A special thanks to all who helped so far...
I am going great.. I feed these girls an all natural "soup" I made.It contains well water(which is a little richer in calcium than Id like but... I grind and feed banana peels ..potassium.. and a mixture of our homemade "tea. compost, worm casting, molasses, very few coffee grinds..and air bubbled for a day.
Where as all this stuff is natural in the first there a reason to flush still ? or could I just let em go with the tea till the end? The more I give them ...the fatter they are getting., so logic says.... but sometime my logic is a little off kilter..thus any suggestions.
Also do you think that heated bricks placed on soil around the plants will be suffice or should I greenhouse them.I been trying to make it less obvious for the kids sake,but now that they are back in school and gone..they dont go back there anyways.,a big bulky greenhouse would be more obvious..but its been a 1 year relationship with these ladies..and might as well go all
Thanks for the reading all this... sometimes the garden of my mind wanders off into lord knows where... I wonder why all owls in cartoon worlds wear graduation hats.. interests... .. opps didt it again . Focus!! .. sorry bout that ..mental fart. ;)
If you got any suggestions. it be great.. thanks .


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Thnks S'manta .
Was away for a week... and when I returned..I was scared to death that mold might have taken over .It rained pretty hard last week here, But luckily Gertie and her sisters made out oK.there was a few little buds that weren't in best of shape...I think the really cold night caught em ..the tips were browned .
...So I did what any stoner would think of doing...I cut those tips off to let the bud underneath redevelop,,,and decided to eat these little nugs....thus my yesterdays experiment.. cannabutter
I read as many recipes as my brain could take in before overload..(lol which trust me ..isnt very far),,and made some cupcakes last night(only thing in the house was a cake mixture). I may not be a bad gardener ,,but I definetly not a baker.. Not a muffin came outta the pan I cut the tops off made cookies outta them..used bottoms after they hardened up as a crumble for a pie I am gonna attempt
As for the ladies...
Gertie is doing ok..but like any typical female.. they are waiting until the very last minute to decide to be ready..(Which always drove us men nuts..I odnt understand 2 hours to do hair,make up etc....Shit!! stay on track...sorry that attention span of a smurf thing again )..I she that they are starting to fatten up nicely.but its starting to get awfully friggin cold here in the evenings.I dont know if I am gonna make it thru until the end before the snow hits. lol Dang Sativas.. I love em but they are a cantankerous strain .
Any suggestions how much longer you thinks we have?? Everything around us is yellow or losing it leaves..and they are beginning to stand out like mad..and smell WOW first thing in morning its like a skunk raided our yrd. Thanks for any replies in advance.
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Well, pouring down raining here today and tonight...Nerves are a mess...I am going away tomorrow for the week,and I am praying to the great green god that The girls will be fine on thier own for the week.I pray mold dont attack.
I have been checking trichomes everyday...I'm at about 40/60 clear /milky I am hoping that next weekend be the busy time..
I have chopped a couple of tops20141005_184856.jpg 20141005_184929.jpg ( just because I'll need some sample smoke next weekend while trimming) and from the smell..I am hoping it will all turn out as well.
THANKS TO EVERYONE ON RIU that have gave me advice,lessons,as well as ideas for next
Heres a few pics of the ladies as of today... Its raining out still ,so I've been out every two hrs giving them a shake off ...What an odor... but I LOVE IT lol
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