get your animals to trip?


Well-Known Member
how would your pet trip from you just petting them?
i dont know too much about acid or how chemicals can be transfered but im going to call bullshit


New Member
many yrs ago i was tripping some blotter well i had been taking half hits cutting the paper i lost half well i had this cat ,i couldnt find the half hit really looked well later into the trip i was walking upstairs cat following i was peeking and i stopped 2 watch halucination on wall and my cat was watching the same shadow walk along the wall as i was coincidence i think not


Well-Known Member
They know when your fucked up.. I did a coke boot (1/2 g) once and started doing the funky chicken.. my cat literally jumped on me, kind of breaking the jerks... plus while tripping it would sit there and stare .. freaking me out..


Active Member
i dunno.. he said when your coming down

and your palms are sweaty or something and the sweat has it in it

i dunno