Get your freak on. Share your unorthodox mushroom cultivation attempts and results


Well-Known Member
Unorthodox? does that mean not using PF tech? or does that mean growing on dog food and cheddar cheese? Try growing on al dente pasta, whole wheat is better however. my best though is growing mushrooms on a marijuana plant - there is a picture of it somewhere in the archives - too small to get fruit.


Well-Known Member
Ok, I have an unorthadox one that I am itching to try - using suretogrow as a casing medium. I know that you can case with inert or non-nutritive substances but the mycelium only extends itself, it is better if there is a tiny bit of something for the organism to grow on. Now I know I will have to make the top of the substrate very even and flat so there is total contact with the sure to grow but I will have to soak it in something, I am thinking ph balanced coir tea. I believe that the result will be very even pin sets, no contamination, clean picking and superior water holding and handling properties. I have used water chrystals with a bit of coir and a bit of vermiculite and I got lots of nice flushes but the chrystals could not be recovered so it was prohibitively expensive - it did keep the trich down. I figure this method might also give me the extra water I need without the side effects of a too-wet casing layer made of organic ingredients. the only down side I can think of is as I said, total contact, maybe I will have to use weights, and of course the fact that sure to grow is white and so it will be harder to see the mycelium.

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
that pretty interesting using the water crystals. this isnt unorthodox or anything but i used a brf cake spawn to coir/verm. i guess most people use grain. havent seen many use brf cakes. but it started the 13th so should be done in a couple days and into the chamber


Well-Known Member
Got any other methods in mind besides the sure to grow?

Well you could do LC to completion like the big drug companies do, but it isn't easy and your yield is small, on the other hand the potency of the final product is through the roof.


New Member
Well you could do LC to completion like the big drug companies do, but it isn't easy and your yield is small, on the other hand the potency of the final product is through the roof.
What do you mean lc to completion?
I do lc to completion and I get good yields and good potency using it, and it isn't hard.

Please inform me what your talking about, I'm wondering what this is that raises potency because I haven't run across anything does this.


Well-Known Member
well i just pressure cooked some dirt from my grow room pretty much a little bit of everything plus some table sugar i figure this has all the basics to get me mycelium growth then i could spawn later to better mediums. i remember when i first started growing(MJ)i bought like 3 syringes of spores and i was bored one day and just injected half of a syringe on my soil below my plants and over the next few weeks a had quite a few tiny shrooms growing never ate em but they looked like magic mushrooms to me. i figured they where contamed or that i just got really lucky that they actually took hold mycelium.


Well-Known Member
i bought my spore prints 3 years ago for like 8$ how much are they going for now days? i never thought about it but i just saw someone say they bought spore prints for 20$??!!??


Active Member
i bought my spore prints 3 years ago for like 8$ how much are they going for now days? i never thought about it but i just saw someone say they bought spore prints for 20$??!!??

not sure about prints but you can get 10ml spore syringes for roughly $15-20


Well-Known Member
What do you mean lc to completion?
I do lc to completion and I get good yields and good potency using it, and it isn't hard.

Please inform me what your talking about, I'm wondering what this is that raises potency because I haven't run across anything does this.
LC ONLY, you blow sterile air through a highly nutrietive solution innoculated with mono culture. The result are blue spheres.


Active Member
inflation its amazing;\
when i say prints i mean syringe's
Yeh isnt it, but all things considered i suppose it isnt bad for the potential of what you get, you can use it grow kg's of mushrooms and you can then get more spores from them, so its really a once off payment.


Active Member
Alright im not sure if this is the right thread to be posting on, but iv got some pics of some pretty shooms i got and i wanna share
photo_1.jpgphoto_2.jpgphoto_3.jpgphoto_4.jpgphoto_5.PNG Don't they look yummie? :)


Well-Known Member
The whole LC to completion sounds very interesting. I would like to hear more about it. Just doing it that way seems psychedelic in itself.