gettin high


Active Member
just ate some weed for the first time waiting 30 mins to get high. will this high be better than smoking?


Active Member
i grinded some bud and made tea and put some olive oil in so the thc would stick to the fat. and ate the rest that was on the bottom. it was pretty sick tasting.


New Member
omg .. and here i am having to smoke schwagg and your eating perfectly good weed.. im so depressed now lol.


Active Member
just wanted to feel the body high and see if i like it. theres more i can smoke if it doesnt work, so dont worry.


Well-Known Member
I just harvested a small crop that I'm not really proud of.
I ended up with only about 11 ounces with 8 plants. My plants had to deal with some power outages.
Anyways... your thread gives me an idea of what do with a bunch of it.
Gonna make some magic brownies and give them out for Valentines Day.