Getting busted


Active Member
I'm just wondering how many people actually get busted, like whats the percent? Also what do you think the criminal offense for growing 1-3 plants is?

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
dont know any % people get busted .

depends what country and state your growing in , and what criminal record you have , for 3 plants in the uk , you would likely get away with being cautioned your first time .


Well-Known Member
depends were your from, im in the uk and have about 6 growing, i think aslong as you haven't got shit like scales, bags and other dealer related stuff lying about, they will just conferscate your plants and anything to do with growing em, thats what they would do over here anyway, not sure what the situation would be like in usa


Active Member
Alright thanks alot I am in the states (unfortunately) but i have no criminal record. And i dont plan on selling, so i think i will be all set.


Well-Known Member
check ur state laws in cali if u dont have a card then u still get in some real trouble


Well-Known Member
yeah man like it al if oyu were to get busted where im at i dont even know what would happen. i know some people go to jail for some long time and it also depends on how many offenses you currently have.


Active Member
depends were your from, im in the uk and have about 6 growing, i think aslong as you haven't got shit like scales, bags and other dealer related stuff lying about, they will just conferscate your plants and anything to do with growing em, thats what they would do over here anyway, not sure what the situation would be like in usa
that would look SO BAD!! Scales and baggies everywhere, cutters and rolling shit! along with 6 plants, that get ya double, probably 5-10 years cause they think your a dealer
usually the dealers get the shit on themkiss-ass