Getting caught with weed :(.


Got caught rolling at school by a teacher so as I joke I offered some and they said alright we got high and I got off the hook :P
haha lol nice one xD - my friend got caught by our principal or head teacher, what ever u wanna call it, and she just threw away the spliff, went into school high LOL and we had an exam first thing ahaha


Active Member
i was rolling a joint in a club,the outside area but there was still a DJ,and a DJ waiting to go next.

the waiting DJ smelled it but he didnt care he just wanted to spin.

the security guard was on the other side of the area but i guess the smell traveled because he came walking over right as we lit up..the girls got into a panic and passed it to me,assholes lol

i just put it out and toss it aside and he left,so i picked it back the end of the night 2 security guards in a narc car were asking me for weed,a male and female.

i dont even remember what i said to them though ha.


Well-Known Member
I've sat in a police station for 5 hours with a quarter o on me and not been caught, you conspicuous people X3

No, really:

1) Police officers came to the tent I was hot boxing saying 'knock knock'. They just asked me to put the tent down as they are prohibited in the park. I finished my joint outside the tent

2) Campus security guard walked past and asked if I was alright as I smoked by the door, then tipped his hat to me and walked off saying 'Irie' and smiling

3) Going through the train station coming back from Amsterdam- the staff helped me hurry up and get the weed back in my bag as I was late for my next train (the searched the bag because I had propane canisters in it)

That's all for now XP

buddha webb

New Member
Err when we,,,the time when,,,on a,, remember,,,who was it,,di you,,,what country?.......

caught many times as a younger gentleman,but my sweet smile and charm got me off...then i grew up,and yes,in different countries,but just minor and lucky and a little Buddha................I like to believe in you emit a lot to people,so believe in your innocence from the second you wake,if commiting any outrageous criminal activity....

disclaimer...i do not encourage any criminal activity,apart from smoking Marijuana medicinaly/recreatively..or if someone steals from you,when in a trusted position,then i fully condone many criminal activitys,full on hard core illegal bomb knives and stuff!!!

buddha webb

New Member
I dont know anything about you........but i believe you to be able to keep your head on,when maybe others around lose theirs!!i like your avatar aura,,,anyway one time back of a bus,smoking with undercover,i didnt know,bus stopped they got me,, possesion,joint wasnt found..Buddha Webb strolled into the distance blowin more smoke!


very different story in a place called Granada,southern Spain,late 90s..........that would spoil the victory now!!!

I've sat in a police station for 5 hours with a quarter o on me and not been caught, you conspicuous people X3

No, really:

1) Police officers came to the tent I was hot boxing saying 'knock knock'. They just asked me to put the tent down as they are prohibited in the park. I finished my joint outside the tent

2) Campus security guard walked past and asked if I was alright as I smoked by the door, then tipped his hat to me and walked off saying 'Irie' and smiling

3) Going through the train station coming back from Amsterdam- the staff helped me hurry up and get the weed back in my bag as I was late for my next train (the searched the bag because I had propane canisters in it)

That's all for now XP


Well-Known Member
I totally agree about believing your innocence. And be respectful ^^

As I've said before the local police, my boss and all my tutors knew I smoked, but they were fine with it because I behave myself. The officer who was taking care of me all day (I'd been assaulted) listen to me talk about my medical uses and they thought I was a sweet girl so that was that.

Show whoever catches you, that pot smokers are gentle, polite, insightful and intelligent- don't start a fight. I strongly believe had I kicked up a fuss about the tent, I'd have been in serious trouble. It was London and a Royal Park lol


Well-Known Member
Depends, got caught by the mom when I was young a couple times based on smell, or the time a "friend" set me up for a lb to the cops. that was a year and a half ago and I just got out from under that lucky as shit with no jail time a week ago. Still lost me tons of money and gave me 3 years probation


Well-Known Member
I'll never forget the day whe I was a senior in High School, in my last semester, when I walked in the door at my house, and my parents were sitting in the kitchen at the table, which was weird becuase they never do that. On the floor was my back pack.....on the table was my counter balance scale, and a brand new QP.

I'm blessed by the fact that my parents were going to pay a large portion of my hard costs of college. I was told that I could either keep my weed, and be on my way asap, or I could flush it down the toilet, and it would be forgiven. It takes a while to flush a QP :(. Oh well, I had a nice stash of cash they didn't know as usual after another trip downtown LOL!

buddha webb

New Member
your right,,dont kill them with kindness but offer it,offer the way that makes the process easier for both parties...which is go home and be a bit more carefull,this is best for all show humanity,mention family,maybe you can pick out a connection????/who nows!!!!:roll:.....
Im from UK,but been away a while...i got caught smoking on Balham high street,i looked very dready at the time so stuck out,i was put in a car,i showed them the little weed that was foolishly in a Kindter Egg case,sweet thing,you know em?..kicked me out the car,robbed my stash but coulda been worse....also got kicked and kneed in the bollock area in sunny Birkenhead,my birthplace:-?,,,yes then they grabbed me along the floor and threw me into rose bushes over a wall in someones garden....I do love the Police,,without the police i can categorically say my life and life of innocent friends wouldnt have been so fucked up by em!! If yer listenin...your not ALL bad!...........just a vast majority of you.Cheers...........B.

I totally agree about believing your innocence. And be respectful ^^

As I've said before the local police, my boss and all my tutors knew I smoked, but they were fine with it because I behave myself. The officer who was taking care of me all day (I'd been assaulted) listen to me talk about my medical uses and they thought I was a sweet girl so that was that.

Show whoever catches you, that pot smokers are gentle, polite, insightful and intelligent- don't start a fight. I strongly believe had I kicked up a fuss about the tent, I'd have been in serious trouble. It was London and a Royal Park lol


Well-Known Member
Wow, lol. That must have been pretty awful taking all that ganja 0_0

The most I've ever had on me (with a police officer standing behind me in the corner store as the clerk was offering me dealer numbers) was an ounce and a half. It wasn't all for me ^^;

It was fine though. Ah, I'm in Balham/Tooting weekly. I don't see that much of a police presence but Clapham sees an influx at events as it has such a major train station and a shit ton of bars. Brixton, I hear, is a weed haven. I'm there all the time aswell but I dare not buy; apparently all the Rastas selling are ripping people off with Oregano. I'd rather trek to Sydenham for good weed.

I talk to my local officers alot. They look out for me because I look all young and vulnerable and know I'm a good kid. I behave myself and I can pretty much smoke wherever I please.